König X Reader: He visits your prison cell

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An echoing darkness surrounded you as you sat on the cold, concrete prison floor. It must be nearing night time by now, the tiny window above your head providing no natural light any longer.

It had been a day, not longer, since you got captured by KorTac. Tugging on the fraying edge of your pants, your mind reeled with thoughts on how to escape.

It was supposed to be simple. A recon mission, close to the Mexican coast. Intel from a secure source, the mission was planned out in detail.

You'd only overlooked one, tiny thing.

The ambush was fast, unexpected. Half your team taken out, the other gunning it for the hills.

Except for you.

Your ankle twisted, running away had simply not been an option.

And here you found yourself, deep in enemy territory, with no clue of the whereabouts of your team. And time ticked by so slowly.

Your mind felt foggy, the last day had passed by in a haze. Shaking your head slightly, you tried to lessen the headache caused by a significant blow to the head upon your capture.

Anxiety filled your chest as you heard footsteps, slightly splashing on the damp ground, getting closer from down the hall.

As far as you knew, you were the only prisoner they kept down here. A guard doing rounds wasn't really necessary, was it?

The footsteps grew closer, as the knot in your stomach tightened. There was no telling what KorTac would do to a member of the 141, not after everything.

They were close now, thundering on the concrete, sending your heart into your throat.

Then he turned the corner.

You looked up at the man standing before your cell. He was much taller than you. His eyes gazing down at you with an intensity that made your insides tumble.

You remembered this man. Before it all went dark, after one of his mates had knocked you over the head with the butt of a rifle, a large man had swung you over his shoulder, carrying you back to their truck.

You remembered him being surprisingly gentle.

The dark mask he wore, hiding all his features from you except for his eyes, tugged on the edges of your memory.

He kept silent as he watched you through the bars of your cell, leaning against the opposite wall. Annoyance pulled on your insides, fighting through your fear.

''Anything you need?'' you bit out.

His gaze made you squirm, as he stood there. Watching you. Studying you.

In truth, König's mind had been set to you from the moment his team spotted you laying in the grass, your ankle twisted unnaturally.

You had looked like a cornered animal, your wild eyes taking him aback as you struggled when they tried to take you.

It took a strong hit from Aksel to get you down. He would lie if he said he wasn't impressed. Little spitfire.

You plagued his mind. Corroded his thoughts. He wasn't supposed to be down here, but his legs brought him here before his mind could catch up.

''If you're gonna be interrogating me, please do so. I'm not in the mood for a staring contest.''

You huffed, arms crossed in front of you as you sat at the back of your cell, against the wall. You had no interest in the man's games, no matter how much he secretly intimidated you.

To your surprise, he chuckled. ''I am not here to interrogate you.''

You hadn't expected him to sound so foreign. Through the darkness, your eye fell upon the Austrian flag on his gear. Ah. Figures.

Unease settled in your stomach. If he wasn't here to get intel, then what was he here for? This man could crush you easily if he wanted to, which did not put you in a safe position.

You frowned as he pushed himself up from the wall, stepping away for a second only to pull up a chair and sit, almost mockingly, in front of the bars of your cell.

''I was simply interested.''

You swore you heard a smile lace his words. Was this man deranged? You shifted uncomfortably, anger beginning to pool in your veins.

He was mocking you. This was a game.

You took a breath. If he wanted a game, you'd play.

''Interested in what?''

He chuckled again, lighting a fire of annoyance once more in your blood. The way he sat on the chair so casually, legs apart, elbows resting on each thigh.


You locked your jaw. He leaned back in his chair, he could tell he got you riled up, and he enjoyed every second.

You moved closer to the bars of your cell, your bad ankle eliminating the option of simply walking. And so, it became a crawl.

You held yourself up by the bars, looking up at the man. Confusion pushed its way through your anger. This angle was rather suggestive.

''Interested, huh? How about you get me out of this cage and I'll show you something interesting.''

His eyes narrowed with amusement. He leaned forward, enjoying the sight of you looking up at him through the bars of your cell.

''I'm sure you would, little spitfire.''

Your breath caught as he stood, stepping closer to your cell and kneeling in front of you. His hand reached through the metal bars, gripping your chin tightly and forcing you to look up at him.

''No rush here, Liebling. We got all the time in the world.''

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