König X Reader: you have a spicy dream about König

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You shot upright in your bed. Sheets tangled between your limbs, dusk shimmering through your blinds. This was supposed to be just a short nap, a quick one before dinner.

You grasped your head, images from your dream flashing in front of your eyes. What. The actual. Fuck.

You'd never thought about the colonel this way. At least, not until the dreams started a week ago. This one had been so vivid. You could almost feel the way his touch sent tingles down your spine, his breath on your skin as he- no.

You hit your forehead with your open palm, trying to chase the memory away and let it slip away in a blurry haze like dreams often did. Checking your watch revealed you hadn't missed dinner, at least.

You exhaled, then got up from your bed and glanced at the mirror hung on the far wall. To say you looked disheveled would be an understatement. Anyone who didn't know any better would say your dream had been last night's reality.

You found yourself praying not to encounter any of your squad on your way to the bathroom, creaking open your bedroom door and checking the hall. Sounds of laughter and loud conversation travelled through from the small living area, easing your worry as most of them had gathered there already.

You made it to the bathroom unscathed. The small, worn mirror above the sink reflected the state you were in somehow even worse than the one in your bedroom.

You splashed water in your face, running your fingers through your hair in an attempt to untangle it. It did not help enough.

You sighed, hands dragging down your face as you felt strangely nervous to be seen in this state by the Colonel. They were just dreams. Why were they causing your stomach to tumble anytime you thought of him?

Gathering all your courage, you opened the bathroom door, crashing straight into Gaz. His eyes flicked over your flustered appearance once, before a smirk pulled on his features.

''Really, Y/N? Again?''

You shot him a glare. You'd confided in him the last few times it happened, feeling closest to him out of everyone in the squad.

''It's not like I'm doing it on purpose, Gaz. Fuck.''

Gaz didn't hold back his laugh. ''Gonna be an interesting dinner, for sure.''

You smacked his arm. ''Don't do anything, I swear to God.''

He held up his arms as he joined you walking towards the living area. ''I'm not the one who's doing anything here, Y/N.''

Your time to retort is cut short as you enter the living area, your whole team already present and eating from plates filled with takeout.

You followed after Gaz, keeping your gaze down in hopes not to get noticed by a certain someone standing in against the far wall, leaning casually as he ate.

You knew he'd be here, he always was. Even if he was never the loudest in the room, that job taken by Soap, he was always present, always listening to the silly conversations between the men.

He intimidated you the few times you'd spoken to him. Not purposefully, but between his tall height and the way his dark gaze bore into your soul every time he looked at you, it was hard not to be.

You grabbed a plate and distracted yourself with the food, feeling that same dark gaze following you around the room from where he stood.

As his gaze lingered, you dared to meet his eye. Normally, he would have looked away instantly, simply gazing into empty air and accidentally having his gaze on you. This time, his eyes stayed locked on yours, his own plate finished, all attention on you.

Your heart hammered in your chest. Fighting with all you had to keep your attention on your food in order not to choke on it.

You resisted the urge to smack Gaz on the back of his head as he smiled into his food, eyes watching between you and König.

Most of the squad had finished their food as they all but dumped their plates in and around the sink.

''Y'know the rule, Y/N,'' Gaz said, as he set his plate down next to you. ''Last one in cleans up.''

You whipped around to face him. ''What the hell, we came in together-''

Gaz had already darted out of the kitchen. You heaved a sigh, eyeing the large pile of plates left behind by the men.

You open the faucet to let the sink fill up with water, fully prepared to clean this kitchen alone. That is, until a large presence takes up space behind you, softly setting another plate down on the kitchen counter.

Your hands still, brain short circuiting as you can feel his large form standing behind you. The faucet continued filling with water, completely slipping your mind because of him.

He reached around you, turning off the faucet before the sink could run over. You snapped out of your daze, face flushed as you loaded the plates into the sink.

''You need any help with that?'' he asked, moving beside you to lean against the kitchen counter.

You actively avoided his eyes, knowing what would happen if his met yours again. Flashes from your dream pushed their way back to the front of your mind, crushing all possibility of rational thought.

''That's alright,'' you smiled, trying to keep your composure.

You cursed under your breath as you dropped a spoon in the sink with a little too much force, splashing water all over yourself.

He took you by surprise as he chuckled, causing you to look up at him and finally meet his eyes.

''What's got you so nervous today, hmm?''

You blinked a few times, mind blank as you tried to process his words. Snapping your eyes back to washing plates, you fought back a stutter.

''I'm not nervous,'' a nervous chuckle. God, how awkward could you make this. ''Why do you ask, Colonel?''

Heat rushed up your face as he moved closer to you, his voice reduced to a whisper as he leaned in close to your ear.

''Because you've been making bedroom eyes at me ever since you stepped into the room, Liebling.''

Shivers travelled down your spine, your heartbeat quickening his pace and you knew he felt it. Enjoyed it, even.

A dire attempt to refocus on the dishes as you moved past him, further into the kitchen. Stacking away the clean plates into the cupboards, your movements are halted by two strong arms taking up the space on either side of you, trapping you between himself and the kitchen counter effectively.

You turned to face him. The intensity behind his eyes burned brighter than before, a confidence you hadn't seen him exude yet. He knew something.

''Who told you?''

You saw him smile just from his eyes alone, humiliation spreading in your chest.

''I don't rat out my sources Y/N.''

Fucking Gaz. You were certain he could see your heart hammering in your chest now. Face flushed as his body nearly grazed yours with every breath he took.

He had you cornered like a rabbit, entranced in his snare with no chance, or desire, to escape.

He leaned in close again, the fabric of his mask fluttering against the side of your face as his voice left a burning heat at your core.

''How about I make your dreams come true?''

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