What they think

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He thinks you're weird like really weird

He doesn't understand why Henry would even like you

He might be a bit jealous that you're taking all of Henry's attention


He likes you, he thinks you give Henry a sense of morals

He is a bit worried though Patrick seems to get angry every time you're around

He also thinks you're really funny


He feels bad for you he thinks you'll just become Henry's mom and hell become his dad

He's also seen how Henry's treated others before so why would he be different with you

He hopes you break up with him for the better for both of you



He's kind of scared of Patrick so he's scared of you

He thinks its weird that Patrick is alway trying to get  you and him to hang out 

He just hoped that when he would date someone he would be normal so he doesn't like you that much for not making him normal


He feels like he knows you best he doesn't know why but he feels like he can tell how you're feeling just through your body language

He can't admit to himself but he likes you like really likes you

He's always trying to get alone time with you


Doesn't care for you much

Like at all, anything having to do with Patrick he'd doesn't care



Why would you be with him out of all of his friends why him

He's always questioning you, he thinks you're a gold digger since Reginald does have the best car

He kind of made it his whole goal to reveal your not a good person


Doesn't care about you

You're not taking something from him and you're not real so why should he care


He thinks you're really cool

He's a bit jealous of his friend but also proud that he bagged such a baddie

But he's pretty good friends with you



He's bit annoyed of you

He thinks you're making  victor too soft

He just know victor will break up with you sooner or later


Again doesn't care about you

He think...

He just doesn't like how Victor always around you


He kind of thinks you're taking away his only true best friend away from him

He's purposely third wheeling all the time

He makes it a competition to hang out with victor 

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