what I would do pt:2

974 11 4

(Requested by Death_by_dionysus

Touching thighs⚠️

*Touches thigh*

Me: 'move, move move! This is so wrong'
*Doesn't move at all*

*Touches thigh

Me: 'stay still and don't move, whatever you do don't move'

*Moves hand off thigh*

Me: *sad*

*Touches thigh*

Me:* scoots chair to Egypt*

*Touches thigh*

Me: 'i feel like I should move'
"Could you stop touching me please it's making me a bit uncomfortable"

Him: "uhh yeah my bad"

Asking out⚠️


Him: "hey there how about you and I go to the movies"

My dumb ass: "uhh sure what movie?"

Him: "how about a scary movie"

Me: "yes, sounds fun I really like scary movies, I used to get scared by them when I was younger tho"

'shut the hell up, you're telling him too much personal information'

Reginald 👁️👄👁️

Him: "hey, hey, hey!"

Me: "huh? Me?"

Him: "yeah, wanna go out with me"

Me: "like a date?"

Him: "exactly"

Me: 'oh no, I don't want to say yes but I don't want to say no'


Patrick 💛

Him: "hey there slut, wanna come to my house later"

Me: "eww" (my reflex for sum reason)
'you are going to get murdered

Victor 💚

Him: "do you wanna hang out later?"

Me: 'ahh shit I wanted to watch girl from no where (😏)'

"I'm busy today maybe tomorrow, what did you have plan?"

Him: "idk maybe we could go get some food"

Me: 'holy shit food damn it why did I say I was busy'

Love letters⚠️


Him: *slides a note on my desk*

Me: 'oh shit oh shit oh shit, a letter I wonder what it could be, I've never gotten one at school!'

Hey (I'm not telling you my name) I think you're hot

'oh my god'

*Reads it over and over again in bed*


Him: "hey did you get it?"

Me: "get what?"

Him: "the note I put in your locker"

Me: "oh I haven't been to my locker yet"

'i don't even go to my locker at all'


Him: *throws a paper ball at me*

Me: *either I the verge of tears or curious*

Hey there slut you got a nice ass

*Throws it away


Him: *walks up to me hands me a note*

"Read it when you get home"

Me: *gets home*

I think you're really cute and I really like you

'is this a prank?'

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