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Dayton was sitting in front of the evaluation cabinet office. She was expecting the results of all the psychotests she had done in the last week. She twiddled her thumbs nervously. She gave Beau a restraining order to interfere with anything to do with her return to work and her return to flying.

- Miss Shell, come in. They are waiting for you. - said the young girl who worked as a secretary.

-Thank you.

Dayton entered and sat on a chair in front of the commission. Rear Admiral Chester "Hammer" Cain was looking at her over the papers he was turning over and over. She was nervous looking at him.

- You passed the psychotests with the best pass. NATO has given approval for your return to work and to the air if you feel ready. - said Admiral Carole "Swan" Johnson, whom Dayton knew from joint missions with NATO.

- I'm grateful for that. I must point out that I feel ready. - Dayton declared.

- I am impressed with your service, Dawn. You are truly something that the younger generations need.- Admiral Cain continues Admiral Johnson's statement.

- Thank you for that, sir.

- We have another proposal that may be more like a condition for your return. - Admiral Swan interjected.

- Condition?

- You will conduct training for Top Gun as well as training for handling drones. The future is coming and soon there will be more drones than our people for the purpose of warfare. - explained Cain.

-Alright. I would appreciate it if I could be grounded first.

After a short conversation, Dayton headed home, driving the route along the sea. Maverick with Penny on a motorbike rushed past her and Dayton smiled. But at the last moment, Dayton turned towards the base. It occurred to her that she would like to see the condition of her father's jet. As soon as she entered the hangar, she saw an elderly man checking the jet ladder. She immediately recognized who it was.

-José, is that you?- he asked quietly so as not to scare him.

The man suddenly turns around and caresses the girl in front of him.

-Day, oh, my Dayton. It's me. God, it's been too long - said José and hugged Dayton tightly.

- Are you still maintaining his jet?

- Yes, but not for long. I'm...retiring. I am actually retiring because I have conditions but I have to be treated.

-José, what are you saying?- Dayton asked worriedly grabbing José by the forearms.

-Dayton, I have lung cancer. I believe it's from all the dust I inhaled in the hangars during jet servicing.

Dayton just hugged him tightly. She spoke with José for a short while and saw him off. Dayton walked around the jet and smiled at all the memories she left deep in her soul and heart.

- Are you coming back?

Dayton flinched at the sound of Hangman's echoing voice.

- Hey, Jake. Yes, I'll be back soon. I will lead the training for the beginning. - she explained to him with a smile.

-That's good. Great actually.

Dayton just smiled. She inspected the jet once more, scanning the documents of the recent MOT.

-How did you know I was here?

- Rooster told me your father's jet is here and you are still taking care of it to make sure it is working.

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