The Observation

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The day dragged on so much, I couldn't find him anywhere so I had to deal with not seeing him all day, the last lesson I had was science and it wasn't even with him. 

I hate Wednesdays.

I slumped down in my seat and put my head down on the desk. 

"Y/N, Head up please" Miss Cooper said. "We have an observation today."

"For fuck's sake" I muttered. 

About ten minutes passed and I was so bored, I put my head down again because I couldn't be bothered anymore and I just zoned out. 

Suddenly I was zoned back in by a voice that I now knew all too well. 

"Y/N, head up, make sure you're paying attention." 

It was him, standing by the door, he made his way towards the back and stood right behind me. I could just feel the dominance radiating off of him. I decided that since he was there I should probably actually get something done so that I didn't look bad. 

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and he stood closer to me, checking my work and the two people next to me. 

"Good work, Y/N" He said. 

"Thank you, Sir" I replied. 

"Thanks, Miss, excellent work" He said to Miss Cooper as he left the room. 

Suddenly I got a message, it was from him. 

Good girl - D x

I suppressed a moan and shifted in my chair. 

There were five minutes left of the day, so I decided that I would go see him after school, he deserves some punishment for all the teasing he's done today. 

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