Chapter 34

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I knew Army existed. I mean I was an Army myself ,my bias being  Jhope albeit new to the fandom but an Army nonetheless. It was common that if a fan met their idol, they'd want to take pictures but what was infront of me was not of a fan and their idol but a woman who was rubbing herself against a man pretending she wanted pictures.

I could hear her high pitched voice asking 'Jungkook Oppa' if that angle made her look better.

Anyone with eyes could tell she wanted something else and not just a picture, perhaps it was the way she kept pushing her chest to him or how she kept trying to touch his chest while he was clearly showing signs of him not being comfortable.

I could hear the crinkle of paper the more I kept looking at them, I was seething. I wanted to go drag Jungkook away from her but just as I was about to ,I remembered that it would look strange if a random lady just came and dragged him away. He was just interacting with a fan and it would do more harm than good if I went to him now. So I just looked at the scene helplessly, tears of anger and frustration gathering at the corner of my eyes.

The last straw was when she reached up and gave him a peck on his cheek, dropping the flowers I turned.

"Ah Robinssi", Mr Jung called out, drawing the attention of the two

Bowing I greeted him and left, the tears I had been holding back falling freely as soon as I stepped into the cool night air.

"Robin, Robin'', I heard him calling for me but I just walked faster I didn't want him seeing me like this.

He caught up on me and held my hand, turning me to face him.

"Wae yeogi isseo", (why are you here?) he asked breathlessly

"Why don't you go ask your girlfriend", I snapped at him and he looked taken aback

He stared at me before his face hardened. He took my hand and I let him drag me to the back of his building where I knew the emergency door was incase some fans had managed to get to the front part of the building.

We got to his apartment after a suffocating silence in the elevator.

He ushered me inside and I wasted no time.

"Who was that girl!"

"Why do you care?" I was taken a back at his response.

"Do you like her?"jealousy was a terrible feeling, all my common sense had left me.

"Does your husband know you're here", he said making his way to the kitchen

Like a splash of cold water, I was suddenly  reminded why I had come here.

"Kook I can explain" , I said following him.

"No need everything is clear to me now. Wish you a happy marriage with the person..what was it again Who showed you the galaxy? Or is he the one who gave you the galaxy. I guess its true that girls don't forget their first time", he said taking a swig of alcohol.

"Baby its not like that"

"You're fiancé won't be happy knowing you're calling someone else that", he said curtly

"Just please listen to me. That marriage was just made up by our parents and I refused to accept it and I just said the galaxy thing to get you riled up"

"So you were playing with my feelings?"


"Its alright Robin, the message is now received, I'll leave you alone"

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