Chapter 24

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Robin’s POV
“In New Yorkkkkkkk, concrete jungle where dreams are made of, there’s nothing you can’t do”.

I could feel him chuckle from beside me as I stuck out my head and belted out the lyrics of Empire state of mind.

The streets were quiet apart from a few people here and there. I mean granted, it was about two o’clock in the morning what can I say, I was feeling impulsive.

“Are you having fun?”

I turned to him, he was having an amused look on his face.

“Hey wipe that look on your face,we can’t all be born singers Golden maknae”

“Issh, I’m not..”

“Don’t be modest, you should be happy you’re blessed with all these gifts amongst others”
His head turned to me so fast making the car swerve a little and I laughed out loud.

“Robin,” he said warningly.

“Hey, I’m innocent”

“So am I better?”

I groaned, “Jungkoook”

“Why don’t you answer”

“Does it matter?”

He shifted in his seat, “Yes, I want to know how to please you”

Well, that took a turn.

“I want to know what you like and what you don’t.”

My ears felt hot all of a sudden and I could feel my cheeks grow hot.

“I mean if we are doing this benefits thing,I want to know to please my girl”.

His girl? Yeah I was speechless the only thing I could do was fidget my fingers. My heart started racing in my chest again.

“Are..are you shying?”

I turned my face to the window, and put my hands locked between my thighs to stop the fidgeting.



“Leave me alone”

“Come ok tell me what you like”


“Kiyowo”, he said smiling and I just watched the scenery as we passed by.

“I like when you talk to me”, I said after minutes of silence still looking outside.


“Yes dirty talk in Korean and when you kiss my neck and give me hickeys”, I closed my eyes,I can’t believe I’m feeling this shy talking about this. What the hell was wrong with me ? Sex was natural right? I wasn’t supposed to feel this shy talking about it, I mean I’m a grown woman for Pete’s sake.

The clearing of a throat was heard from beside me, “What else?”


“Jagiya please”.

“I like when we kiss and when you were holding me down making me take it”.

I clenched my eyes shut as he came to stop. My face wouldn’t move from the window, you could now boil an egg on it.

The car door opened and I could see his form coming to my side from my peripheral. Why was he coming over here? Couldn’t he see I was wishing for the ground to open up and swallow me whole.

I felt the cool night breeze as my door was opened. His warm hands cupped my face as he turned to look at him.

“You don’t have to feel shy about this,” he said softly.

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