Chapter 2

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Robin’s POV

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and sighed. It’s been two weeks since I went for my first interview I’m now headed for my fourth. The first time I entered the interview room I was interviewed by eight people including the CEO who was via video call.

They were tough questions as  expected , they were looking for the best interest for their artist and wanted to make sure I’m not some crazed fan. I remember their faces when I told them I don’t listen to K pop, they obviously thought I was joking until I was just looking at them and blinking.

I stepped into the building, greeting the guard.  I already learnt some basic hangul words, I could say hello, excuse me, alright, goodbye and see you soon. Man I was already a multilingual maybe I should be an interpreter for the United Nations.

“Hello Sunmi”, I said to the receptionist who I became friendly with the amount of times I’ve been here.

“Robin Unnie “, she said giving me an unusual big smile. Another thing about Koreans was honorifics, I tried telling her calling me just Robin was fine but she was appalled so I just let her call me Unnie hey I’m all about respecting everyone’s culture it’s good manners.

“Sunmi, you’re very extraordinarily happy today”, I said to her.

“Well today is a special day”, she said vaguely

“Ohh do you have a date ?” I asked her wiggling my eyebrows

“No I mean it’s a special day for you”, she said giving me my pass and then answered the ringing phone.

Okay? Thinking nothing of it I made my way to the elevator.

The doors were barely open on the seventh floor before I was yanked out. Someone was about to get it grabbing my arm like that before I recognized Adora’s short self. For a tiny human she has a lot of strength.

“I would very much like to leave this place with my arm intact thank you very much”, I told her as she dragged me to God knows where.

“We don’t have much time”, she said as she turned and looked at me.

“What?”, I said rubbing my wrist, she nearly yanked it off.

“I told them you have a fiance”.


“Wait what ?”

“Miss Robin”, someone called my name.

“Gotta go love you bye”, she said as she ran towards her office.

“Miss Robin”, my name was called again and I went in.

Expecting the room to be full like I was used to, I was surprised to find Nicole who was one of my interviewer and a tall man.

“Miss Robin,” she said smiling.

“Miss Nicole”.

“Please have a seat,” she said sitting and I followed suit.

“I’m sure you’re wondering why there’s only me here. This is manager Sejin”.

“Nice to meet you”, I told him.

“Nice to meet you to”, he said and my attention went back to Nicole.

“Manager Sejin is in charge of Jungkook who will be your student” she said and I was just there gawking my mind not fully catching up to what she was saying.

“Congratulations Miss Robin, you got the job”

A grin broke out on my face, “Wait, really?”

“Yes, my bosses were impressed with how you carried yourself and thought you were the best fit for the job.”

“Thank you so much for the opportunity, I promise I won’t disappoint”.

She nodded, “Now I hope that your fiance won’t mind you being around a man as much since you’ll be expected to be at Jungkook’s place”.

“I’m sorry what?”

“Your fiance?”

It was then that I remembered what Adora had told me.

“Oh yes, Maximilius won’t mind”, I said, probably because he doesn’t exist.

“Manager Sejin will take you through everything you need to know.

Congratulations again Miss Robin and welcome to Hybe Entertainment”.

Hours later, I was holding a drunk Adora in the club. We had decided to go celebrate my employment status thanks to Adora saying I had a fiance because they were concerned about leaving someone single with him. Yeah I don't even know what to say but hey, it got me the job

“You know I knew you could do it”, she said poking at me.

“Did you now?” I asked her amused at her red cheeks

“Of course I did. You are fierce and confident if there’s anyone who can handle Jungkook it’s you. Maybe if you let him he’ll handle you as well”, she said giggling.

“Okay that’s enough drinking for you”.

“I wasn’t done with that”, she started whining as I took her glass.

“Come on it’s time us to get you home”, I said looking for my phone to texting Min Kyu to come pick her up. One minute she’s making insinuations the next minute tears are falling from her eyes

“Why do you do this to me, you hate me don’t you ?”.

“What? Come one Adora what are you even saying, you’re literally my only friend”.

“Liar! You don’t even hug me, every time I hug you. You tense up and when I tell you I love you, you don’t say it back. It’s like I’m in an one sided friendship, I know you’re hiding something from me because there’s no way you can be this un affectionate without something happening to you but you won’t tell me what.

I keep thinking I should give you time but you just won’t let me in”, she finished with a sniffle and I was just left speechless.

“I..I don’t I..” I was at a loss for words, I had no idea that this was how she felt.
“Adora I’m …”, I was cut off by her gasping.

“Don’t look now but there’s a really cute guy who is coming our way”, I looked at the direction she was looking at and saw Min Kyu.

“Hello Robin,” he greeted me. Min Kyu was awesome, he was a fire fighter and absolutely adored Adora.

“Hey Min Kyu”, I responded back and he started talking to Adora. He wasn’t much of a talker but I suspected it was because he didn’t really speak English so the language barrier between us.

“Jagiya”, he said and  Adora swooned.

“Robin he’s talking to me and he just called me honey” she whispered or what was supposed to be a whisper. Min Kyu looked at me concerned.

“That’s your fiance babe”

“He is?” she said in wonder and started poking his cheek. Yeah she’ll be fine.
I watched as Min Kyu picked her stuff and we helped her walk outside. We got into his car and he decided to drop me off first.

“Robin, sarangheyo”, she poked her head out shouting as the care drove away, I laughed at her antics and went up to my apartment.

Taking off my heels I out on my slippers, today was indeed a good day as Sunmi said. I got a job, ha take that mommy dearest.

I took my laptop and decided to do some research namely find out what type of person Jeon Jungkook was. A quick Google search brought up his information.

He was youngest among seven members and nicknamed, ‘golden maknae’ because he was good at literally everything he does.

I scrolled down the page and saw that he had done a weverse live, I decided to watch it and found myself amused by his antics.

He seemed like a nice person and he had a dog. I gulped at that, me and pets don’t go well together.

I only stopped watching when I saw the clock reading four A.M, luckily it was the weekend tomorrow. Come Monday I’ll be heading to Hybe to sign my contract then officially meet my student.

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