Chapter 4

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Robin’s POV

I could tell something was wrong the minute I entered, Jungkook didn’t greet me with his usual ‘Robin seonsaengnim’ but was instead on the floor by his couch.

The TV was on, I could recognize SZA’s voice but he looked deep in his thoughts. I approached him and tapped his shoulder.

“Jungkook, Jungkook “, I called out to him

“Robin seonsaengnim, he said in a low voice.

“I’ll go get my books”, he stood and I watched him go in the direction of his room.

Okay Robin mind your black business, this doesn’t concern you. I kept repeating to myself. He came back and sat down next to me.

Don’t do it Robin, don’t freaking do it.

“Are you alright?”, I just had to do it didn’t I?

He looked at me and smiled, his smile didn’t reach his eyes. They looked sad and it bothered me,ughhhh fine.

“You know what let’s do something different today”. I said chirpily as I closed his books.

“What are we doing?” he asked which was a good question I had no idea what I was doing myself.

I looked at his TV and an idea came to me.

“We’re going to sing, which will also help with your pronunciation. You like Bieber right?”

“Yes, how do you know?”

“I googled you”, I said unashamed.

I looked over to him and he had a smirk on his face.

“You can get rid of that look on your face, it was for research”


“Yes research, like wanting to find information about something example you want to go to Jeju island and you go look up the weather in that area  you’re doing research. That’s the word of today. Put on some music”.

“Which do you want?”.

I was tempted to tell him to play under the influence for laughs but decided against.

“How about Watermelon Sugar by Harry Styles?”

He nodded then searched it up, with lyrics.

“Okay Mr famous singer let’s see what you got”, I said standing up which he followed suit and gave him a pen to use as a microphone. I should probably say right here that I sound like a dying cat when I try to sing but oh well.

“Taste like strawberry ….come on sing it Jungkook!” I said and he smiled

“On a summer evening, and it sounds  just like a song. Let’s get it”, I screamed and he was now clapping his hands laughing at my voice which probably sounded like I smoked a pack of cigarettes a day every day.

“Water melon sugar high!”, he joined me during the chorus obviously his voice was beautiful and we sang. Well he sang and I sounded like…yeah I was horrible but who cares.

“Wait a minute”, he said running off somewhere when the song ended. He came back with two microphones.

“You know if I actually sing with that your neighbors are going to move somewhere else”, I told him as I took the mic.

“You sing good”, he said.

“Nice try buddy even I know I sing horrible but we’re here to learn and have fun so next song. You pick”

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