Chapter 3

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Robin’s POV

I groaned as I buried my face deeper into my pillows, I had some how forgotten to close my curtains and the sun was flaring through my window.

Searching for my phone under my pillow, I had my eye one inch open so that I can look at the time, it was seven fifteen. I humphed as I threw my phone and got comfy under the covers. It was way to early for me to be up on a weekend.

The next time I was woken up by the buzzing of my phone.

“Hello”, I croaked out.

“Robin please tell me you’re not in bed”.

“Why are you up so early, shouldn’t you be hangover?”

“Its nearly one in the afternoon”

I looked at my wall clock which read half past noon, which was an acceptable time to wake up during a Saturday.

“How are you feeling? How’s your head?” I said getting up from bed.

“I’m fine Min Kyu made me his special hangover drink so I feel great”

I hummed as I made my bed listening to her.

“Listen Robin about what I said last night”, my movements halted.

“I shouldn’t have said those things, it’s none of my business what happened in your personal life and it was rude of me to intrude”.

“NO, don’t you dare apologize for that. I’m glad you opened up to me and I’m sorry I’ve been such a bad friend”.

“No you’ve not”

I smiled at her attempt to ease things over.

“Adora, I know I’m not the most affectionate person. I’m just not used to having people… be with me”, I said looking for an appropriate word

“You mean care about you”, she said and it hit a spot.

“I’m your friend Robin and I don’t know what happened to you to make you so afraid to open up to people but I want you to know that I’m here. I’ll be here when you’re ready to talk to me and I’ll still care for you and don’t you forget it”.

For the second time within 24 hours, Adora rendered me speechless memories of the past surfacing in my mind but I shook them off.

“When did you get so sentimental”, I said and we laughed knowing the matter was already resolved.

“Wanna go catch lunch together?” she asked and I resumed making my bed holding my phone with my shoulder.

“Can’t today. I’m making my lesson plan for next week”

“Oh okay, guess I’ll see you Monday”

“Bright and early”.

“Kay bye love you”

“Mmh,” I said then I remembered that I should at least try. Adora has been my guardian angel and damnit she’s getting it back

“Me too”, I said making her chuckle on the other side. Baby steps

I stood before the mirror nodding furiously at myself.

“Now lady, you remember one thing”, I started pointing at my reflection.

“You’re five foot six pure chocolate beauty. You’re smart and you landed yourself a job, don’t screw it up.
Remember why you became a teacher in the first place, and give your all to your students. There might be times when you’ll not be in the mood but remember it’s not your students fault so still give them your all and always be kind to them”. I nodded at myself then did a once over of my outfit.

“Damnit Robin you look ravishing”.

Once I got to Hybe, we went over the procedures and I signed the contract we were now on our way to Jungkook’s house where I’ll be teaching him five days a week

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Once I got to Hybe, we went over the procedures and I signed the contract we were now on our way to Jungkook’s house where I’ll be teaching him five days a week.

The neighborhood we were in was exactly where you’d expect a celebrity to live in. It was quiet and apparently diplomats lived in the area as well. Smart move, considering the amount of security will be here.

“We are here”, Manager Sejin said.
He got out of the car and came to open my side of the car which surprised me.

“Thank you”, I told him

He went to the brown gate and buzzed.

“Ne”, a voice said.

“Jungkookie”, that the only thing I understood before he went off in a stream of Korean. The gate opened and we went in

The front door opened and out came Jungkook in all his oversized black shirt, grey sweatpants and long hair glory, his sleeve looked hot but he doesn't need to know

They spoke briefly occasionally looking at my direction and I stood there awkwardly.

“Jungkook this is your teacher Miss Robin”.

I smiled and Jungkook stretched his hand out in greeting.

“Hello I’m Jungkook”, he smiled and I saw why his fans said he resembled a bunny.

“It’s nice to meet you Jungkook”.

“Come in please,”he said ushering us into his house.

It was a typical bachelor pad and surprisingly smelled really good and it was clean too.

“Jungkook we got you an English teacher as you wanted now you’ll be able to speak to international army as well”, manager Sejin said in a teasing tone making Jungkook be bashful.

“Well I’ll leave the two of you alone and Jungkook be good”, with that he was out leaving me and Jungkook together.

“Please have seat”, he said directing me to a brown leather couch.

“Would you like to have some water”, he asked and I shook my head no. He nodded then sat down next to me.

“Do you have your books or laptop?” I asked him which made him dash up and go to a room.

I decided to be nosy and look around the place, there was a dog house and a cloth rack in the corner,  His TV was huge and underneath the table were eight scented candles.

My nosey ass was cut off when he came back with a laptop and books.

“Are you ready?” I asked him.

“I’m ready”, he said

“So I drew up a lesson plan, which would fit you perfectly. I’ll be here five days a week as they must have informed you”, he nodded biting his lip

I explained the books we would be using while we went through the lesson plan together and he listened intently. We then made a time table which will be suitable for him since well he is my boss.

Pretty soon we got into a routine, we’d study for two hours every day then I’d quiz him or we’d review what he didn’t quite get in the lesson.

In a blink of an eye a month had passed, we were cordial the each other it wasn’t awkward per say but I think we had boundaries set because of our teacher student relationship if that even makes sense.I’d come into his house from eight in the morning and leave at noon.

He was doing quite well actually, though I need to be strict with him at times I’d like to think I’ve got used to some of his quirks and habits that’s why when I came for today’s lesson he didn’t seem like himself.

I told myself that it was none of my business, that I was here to teach and leave but of course so what I did next, I’d say was the catalyst of what happened in the coming months and would I repeat what I did today knowing what would happen?

Yes. I would repeat it a thousand times with no regrets.

A/N always remember to be your biggest cheerleader ❣️

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