Chapter 5

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( A/N ⚠️Chapter might be  triggering)

I looked at the creature before me and I was transported to a place I hated.

FLASH BACK (Age 10 Robin)
I looked at the other kids riding their bikes having fun. Mom said that I couldn’t play with them because they were not at my level. No one wants to play with me even at school, they say my mom is mean.

Sighing I watched through the window as they laughed, mom said that I was different. That even though we were in the same class we were still above them. I was always confused when she said all this, I didn’t understand what she meant because I was in the same class with Mary Jane, Eric and Spencer and they played together.

“Miss Robin come, you know your mother doesn’t like it when you’re by the window”, my Nanny ,Aunt Loretta said as she came behind me and looked at what I was staring at.

“Oh you poor child”, she said

“Come now, I’ll make you your favorite cookies”

“I’m not supposed to have cookies”, I said lowly, I couldn’t remember the last time I ate them because mom banned the cooks from making them saying the sugar will form a bad addiction. I didn’t know what that was.

“I won’t tell if you won’t”, she said and I looked at her giving her an eager nod.
I followed her into the kitchen and watched as she made the cookie dough, I was eventually bored so I decided to go to the garden.

Nanny Loretta said she’ll call me when the cookies are done.

The garden was always so pretty to me, smiling I went to pluck one of the flowers when I heard something. Thinking I was imagining things I ignored it, only for me to hear it again. I know I should be calling for someone but my feet led me to a bush. It was a dog!

“Hi doggie”, I said slowly approaching it, I’ve always wanted a dog.

The dog released a whine and I put out my hand and I Pat it’s head.

“Miss Robin”, I heard Nanny Loretta.

“Miss Robin, what are you doing there”, she asked and I shushed her

“I found something “, I whisper yelled excitedly and pointed at the dog.

“Miss Robin, get away from there”, she said gasping.

“Aunt Loretta it’s a dog and it looks hungry”, I said as I rubbed it’s head.

“How did it even get here, if your mother found it”.

“No!”, I said startling her.

“Please don’t tell her”, I pleaded.

She looked conflicted and I felt the tears pooling my eyes.

“Alright but we have to take it to the doctor”.

I grinned, “Thank you Aunt Loretta”.
That’s how I got Rocky, Aunt Loretta took him to the doctor and I kept him in the stables out back. I would feed it, give it water and Aunt Loretta would give it a bath.

She bought him a bowl and all his necessities. I was happy, I was no longer alone I had a friend now who I’d play with that was until mother found out.

“What is the meaning of this?”

I stood up from my position and saw mother at the entrance of the stable.

“Mother I …”, I stammered.

“Loretta what is that thing doing in my property”, she said

“Madam I..”

“Rocky is my friend”, I said stepping infront of Aunt Loretta.

“Friend? That beast is not a friend has it been here the whole time?”

I looked down, my lower lip quivering.

“I asked you a question Robin”

“Yes ma’am”

“How dare you”, she said looking around the stable for something which was a stick

“How dare you!” she shouted as she approached me then proceeded to cane me with the stick.

“Madam please stop it’s not her fault”, I could hear Aunt Loretta’s voice pleaded for me over the sound of mother whipping me and my cries.

Rocky was barking at mother and I kept moving so she wouldn’t do anything to him and instead follow my movements.

“Get rid of that thing!” she shouted at the foreman who was looking at me in pity.

“And you, ”she said turning to Aunt Loretta who was holding me, “You’re fired, I’m giving you ten minutes to get off my property or I’m calling the police” she said storming off.

That was the last time I ever saw my nanny and Rocky. Mother made me sleep in the stable for three days as punishment.

You’d think I’d learn my lesson huh? Wrong. Fast forward two years later and I found a kitten on the road. I was extra careful this time I thought this was it, even though I lost Rocky, Oreo was going to be my forever pet. I gave him that name because of his black and white fur.

Unfortunately, he got out one day and headed for mother when she was screaming at me for getting an A- instead of being like Eva who got an A +.

She was shaking me one minute, the next she was screaming as Oreo ran up and scratched her leg. I still have the scar from that beating, but the worst part was not the beating it was when she put Oreo in sack then ordered for boiling water.

She made me watch as punishment as  she poured the scorching  water over Oreo who screeched. I didn’t cry, no tears came from my eyes at that sight not even when all movements inside the sack ceased and I knew that Oreo was no more.

“Get rid of it”, was all she said to the gardener as she threw the sack down carelessly.

I secretly followed him and vowed to bury Oreo when he left. He didn’t take him far, I think he knew I was following him. Two days later I got the opportunity and I sneaked out. The sack was still there, bugs crawling over it and a foul stench coming from it.

I took a stick and began digging, once I was satisfied with the hole I took the sack and opened it. The stench becoming stronger, I took Oreo out of the sack, it’s back and sides were open. Carefully I put him inside the hole and covered it.

“Thank you for being my friend Oreo, you deserved better than me”.

A/N this was hard for me to write because some of it is  based on some truth but I guess every living thing has to die one day. Any ways hope you enjoyed and be kind to animals

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