Chapter 32

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Jungkook POV

I stood there wondering if I had heard correctly because there was no way.


"I want to know what type of girl you like", she said getting inside the house

At this point my mind felt as though it had shut down, gently I closed the door and faced her

"Do you like short girls? Long haired? I heard most Korean Men like cute girls? Do you as well ? I mean any kind is fine your preference and all that"

I was staring at her, head empty.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Why are you doing this?", I asked

"Well I thought that maybe it's time for you to get a girl and stuff'', she said not even looking at me


"Excuse me?" she said

"You are lying to me. Jagiya just tell me what happened we were fine this morning", I said taking a step towards her only for her to step back and my confusion only deepened.

"Don't come any closer", she said

"Fine since you want to be stubborn, I'm bored of you I don't want this anymore you're not doing it for me"

I just stared at her my mind registering what she was saying

"Well aren't you going to say anything?''

I exhaled, my gut telling me that there was more to this than she was letting on.


"Don't, don't call me that"

"Arraso, Mianhae. Just tell me what happened, we can work it out"

She scoffed, "Work it out?Everything was going great until you had to mess it up"

"Then tell me, tell me what I did wrong instead of treating me like this"

"Do you love me ?"

I felt as if the earth had tilted off its axis, a second passed then another.

"Answer me Jungkook, are you in love with me?", she spoke slowly as if I hadn't heard her the first time.


There were various ways I wanted to confess to her, a fancy dinner, dancing then I'd gift her a necklace I'd custom made while in LA of a key to a lock necklace that was currently around my neck. It'd signify that the key she had was to open the lock to my heart.

Nothing would have prepared me that I would be confessing like this and the reac tion I would be getting would be of utter betrayal.

"Why? Why would you do this? Why did you have to ruin everything?"

I let out a chuckle, "Mwo? Ruin? I just confessed to you and you tell me I've ruined everything. Robin what is it that I've not given you? I respect you, worship the ground you walk on I would carve out my heart if you asked me to. I try to be a good person to people, I work hard and I make you happy, so please tell me what is so horrible about me loving you that you say I ruined everything"

"I don't want your love, I don't need it"

"I don't care! I don't care if you don't want it nor need it because I'm going to keep loving you and I'll love you till I can't anymore! I'll love you till my last breath if I want to because I've given my heart to you and I don't want to have it back. So deal with it, I love you Robin", I said moving closer to her

"I love you with everything in me", as I took a step to her she took one back shaking her head



"Yes, I love you".

She covered her ears, "Stop"

"Saranghae, and I know you love me too", I stopped in front of her and she gaped up at me, her mouth opening and closing like a fish.

"You're wrong", she said turning her back to me

I laughed, "Am I?"

"Yes", she said her back still to me.

"Then look at me, look at me and tell me. Unless you're afraid".

She turned around abruptly and took a step towards me looking straight at me.

She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out she just kept looking at my face.

"I....I...I...I don't have to prove anything to you", she said instead and turned her back to me.

"Jagiya", I said softly,going to stand Infront of her

"You don't have to be afraid, my love for you is true. You're heart will be safe with me because hurting you will be hurting me. I'm not them, see me as Jungkook..Jungkook who loves you more than he loves anything else in this world. I won't promise you to make you happy always because I'm human and I have flaws but believe me when I tell you that I'll try my hardest to be the man you want me to be. It's okay to give your heart to me, but I'll give you space if that's what you want. We'll go at your pace and ill do whatever it is you tell me okay?"

"I..i have to go".

I nodded respecting her choice and took a step back, watching as she went out the door not once looking back and a lone tear fell from my eye.

Three days had passed since I confused to her, I gave her space but that didn't mean I would let her stop thinking about me. So each morning for the past three days I'd be sending her good morning texts, in the afternoon I'd tell her how much I missed her and before she went to sleep if send her a goodnight message obviously I added some more sweetness to make sure she had a smile on her face when she read them.

Not once did she reply but it didn't phase me, stepping down from the treadmill I sent her an afternoon text and smirked as I pressed send. I was about to throw my phone on the table before making my way to take a shower when a notification popped up.

I read the name twice to be sure it was her name I was seeing, not wasting any more time I opened the text.

'Come over'.

Immediately I threw the phone down and headed to the bathroom. She wanted to see me, she actually wanted to see me. I just hoped that it'll be something positive.

Standing I front of my mirror, I stared at myself. My heart on the verge of pounding out of my chest, I was scared. It was foolish I know but this girl had so much power over me it was insane, I loved her so much it'd scare her if she knew the intensity of it and now I was on my way to her. She would now tell me the decision that would either make me or break me.

"You are jeon Jungkook, everything is fine. You got this", I said to my reflection in faux confidence but really, do I got this?

The car ride to her place took longer than usual, on one hand I was happy, ecstatic even that I was going to see her but on the other hand I was stalling because I was afraid.

Parking the car, I decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator, I stood outside her door. Just ring the damn bell dumbass, closing my eyes I pressed the bell and waited. Nothing would have prepared me for what was about to happen.

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