Chapter 19

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All alone once again, I bit my lip as I went and got my phone. I mean, how hard can it be right?

“Let’s just get this over with”

I picked it up only for it to ring, thinking it was him I answered immediately.

“Hello Robin”, came the sharp voice from the other side.

I could recognize that voice even with my eyes closed.

“Hello Father”

“Your mother has been telling me of your little tryst in Korea and how difficult you’ve been”.

I cleared my throat, “Have I?”

“According to her yes, is it true what I’ve been hearing that you’ve become a teacher?”

“Yes I have”, I said confidently

“You know your cousin is learning the ropes from her father”.

“She can also come learn from you her uncle”, I said bored and I heard a bang.

“I will not let you disrespect this family by doing who knows what, do you know how embarrassing it is when people know my heir is teaching in some low country”

“What’s wrong with being a teacher? You wouldn’t be seating in that swivel chair if you didn’t go to school and learn”

“Enough! You’ve gone rampant long enough and I’ve tolerated your insolent behavior long enough. You’re always so difficult and hard enough to deal with! Why couldn’t I get a better daughter than you.

“You mean a daughter like Eva?”

“Yes! She’s so obedient and doing so well for herself. Look at you on the other hand, even having a dog is  better because it listens to it’s owner”

I sat down and looked at the mirror, and listened to him rant.


“Yes I’m here I’m just waiting for you to finish”

“An ungrateful child is what you are, it could’ve been better to burn the money I used on you In the fireplace if I knew you’d turn out like this. Now listen to me, you better come to your senses and come home immediately before I do something you’ll not forget”

He hung up the phone, and took mine away from my ear. I’m already used to it this was nothing new to me. Actually I’m kind of hungry, I should go eat.

I abruptly got up and went to the kitchen, “Ohh”, I said as I looked at the dirty plate in the sink I just ate.

“Silly me”.

Taking the remote I noticed my hands were shaking badly. I put my hands into a fist to stop it, I gave up after a while and just leaned back into the chair. The silence in the house was deafening, just how I liked it and that’s how Adora found me.


“Oh hey Adora”, I said chirpingly

“Hello to you too, I thought you’d be asleep by now…you look chirpy. I take it you’ve take you’ve spoken to Jungkook?” she asked smiling

“Oh no, I got a little distracted. I’ll speak to him soon”

She came and sat beside me, “So what did you do while I was out?”

I shrugged, “I just sat here”

“You sat here for five hours?”

“Five hours?”.

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