Chapter 27

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Robin’s POV

Flashback(15 years)
I looked up wondering who in here right mind had sat next to me. I was in the school cafeteria and liked to eat alone, most people here were too busy comparing whose daddy had most money than the other. I didn’t have the time neither the energy so a lot of people stayed clear of me.

I was always by myself and I liked it that way. So my scowl was granted as I looked at whoever had not gotten the message

“Hello I’m Micheal”, he said smiling.

I looked at him uninterested, maybe he’d get the message and leave me alone.

“Can I sit here”, he asked already sitting down.
Okay who the hell is this kid? And why was he so smiley.

“You’re Robin right? We have advanced math together”.

“Go away”, I said to him and went back to eating

Oh don’t be like that. Hey do you want to be friends?”

I glared at him, maybe now he’d get the message but the annoying smile didn’t leave his face. Rolling my eyes I got up , and left.
I had Math next so I picked up my books and entered the empty classroom.

Slowly the classroom got filled and the chatter increased.

“Daddy said we’re going to Bali over the summer”

I heard Abigail’s annoying voice, yeah we went to the same school as per mother’s suggestion.

Putting in my earphones I blasted Material girl by Madonna. Aaah peace

“.. listening to” we’re the only things I had before one earphone was yanked out of my ear
Okay someone was asking for it.

Standing up I was  ready to give whoever this was a piece of my mind only to find the weirdo from lunch.

“YOU!”, I all but snarled.

Yea it’s me, hey you have great music taste”, he said yanking both earphones and putting one of them in his ear.

“Don’t you ever go around yanking my stuff like that again I am not your friend”.

He raised his hand in surrender, “Touchy.”

I sat down, I’m not leaving my spot for some duffus who couldn’t take a hint.

“Settle down settle down”, said Miss Beve.

“Afternoon class”.

I was ready to get out of this class, he hadn’t stopped trying to talk to me even though I told him to go away and leave me alone numerous times.

“Do you want to head home together? My driver is picking me up”

“No I don’t ! I don’t want to be around you let alone go home together with you. Stop talking to me!”

I left him in class, hopefully this time he won’t bother me and I didn’t. Didn’t see him for the rest of the afternoon…or so I thought.

There were three cars in the driveway including a van I had gotten accustomed to

Is something happening?”, I asked the driver as I saw the event planning van.

“A small gathering”

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