you and i

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one month later

- hyunjin -

"hello, ms. cho!" i greet the owner as we enter the gelato shop. the warm and familiar environment reminds me of home and immediately a sense of calmness rushes over me. ms. cho adds to the effect, her cheerful demeanor reminding me of my mother. she looks up and smiles when she sees me and the two guys i'm with.

"mr. hwang! and is that mr. lee and mr. yang as well? welcome in, boys!" she greets happily. "here, let me close the blinds for you," she suggests, sliding out from behind the counter.

"thank you, ma'am!" jeongin says with his adorable grin.

"it's no problem at all," she assures him as she finishes lowering one and moves to the next one. "you boys seem to be in especially high spirits, is there a special occasion today?"

"yes, ma'am! felix just received his first paycheck from jyp," i explain, beaming proudly.

"what?!" ms. cho exclaims in surprise, whipping her head around to look at him. "you made your debut already? i thought you were just visiting!" jeongin and i break into giggles.

     "oh, no! i didn't debut! i started working there as stray kids' tiktok manager and assistant songwriter," felix explains quickly, looking flustered.

     "oh, sorry for assuming! you've definitely got the looks to be an idol though. that must be what confused me," she explains, which only makes felix's cheeks grow redder.

     "thank you ma'am, but i'm very happy with the jobs i have," he replies bashfully as ms. cho sticks a note on the door and locks it.

     "well, that's wonderful! congratulations on your first paycheck!" she says, finishing up before smiling warmly in felix's direction. she moves back behind the counter, wiping her hands on her brown apron, then reaches for the ice cream scoop. "what can i get you boys today?

"earl grey for hyunjin, please," felix speaks up before i get a chance, giving me a mischievous smile.

"and felix will have the salted milk again... right?" i ask, nudging my arm against his.

"yes, please," he responds with a wink.

"ignore these idiots, i'll have the strawberry please," jeongin says, rolling his eyes.

"alrighty then, coming right up," she replies with a smile as she begins scooping.

     when it's time to pay, i reach to grab my wallet but felix has other plans.

"i'm paying! we're celebrating my first jyp paycheck! of course i'm paying," felix insists, pulling out his bright blue louis vuitton wallet. he flips it open and i catch a glimpse of a little photo stashed in one of the front pockets.

     when he's finished paying and thanking ms. cho, the three of us move towards the tables. jeongin separates himself from felix and me by sitting at the farthest table from us. i watch as he starts eating his gelato peacefully and scrolling on his phone.

     jeongin might be in the mood for something sweet, but the main reason he is tagging along is to hide the fact that felix and i are on a date. a month has passed but the staff still thinks the two of us shouldn't be seen alone together. having jeongin with us makes it seem like we are just three friends hanging out (at least to strangers - we trust ms. cho not to say anything). maybe next time we could invite seungmin and it could be a secret double date. felix and i share a smile before digging into our gelato.

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