right now

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- felix -

i wonder what colour hyunjin's hair is going to be?

noticing that my thoughts are straying back to hyunjin, i shake my head to clear it and pull myself back into my work. i just finished filming two outfit styling videos for bassike (an australian fashion brand whose social media i run), and now i'm sitting at my desk trying to edit them.

i carefully type captions onto the videos, choosing words that will hook viewers and a font that matches the casual-chic aesthetic of the brand. i adjust the lighting, play with filters, and edit the clips to line up with the music. feeling happy with the results, i save the videos to my camera roll.

     opening my emails, i start writing a new message to my boss. since i already finished my bassike videos for the next few days, i request to pick up the next batch of clothing and accessories earlier than usual. this way, i can get those videos done as well and will be free to... possibly travel to korea?

     i attach the videos and send it to my boss. feeling satisfied, i push away from my desk and roll backwards in my black gaming chair. i stretch out my arms and back, and crack my knuckles.

     two more brands to go.

six hours, a lunch break, four videos, and two instagram photos later, i'm done with all my work for monday, tuesday, and wednesday. once the content and my schedule are confirmed by my bosses, i will only have to post a couple of things throughout the next few days and besides that, i'm free to do whatever.

i double-check my sent emails to make sure that everything went through. seeing that they did, i collapse back into my seat and start thinking about what i should do for dinner.


my phone chimes and my head snaps towards my bed where my phone sits on its charger. in seconds, i am laying in bed with my head propped up on pillows, tapping on the kakaotalk icon.

sam: [photo attachment]

     AAAAAAHHHHH! my brain buffers for a moment as i take in what i'm seeing. hyunjin's hair is now the most gorgeous light pink colour. i feel my heart flutter in my chest at how attractive he looks.

he is winking at the camera and wearing a white baseball cap with a matching white t-shirt. in the background, i can see a little bit of the hair stylist's workstation.

sam: what do you think?

felix: that colour is perfect on you!

felix: you look ridiculously good

sam: really?

felix: yes, really. i want to kiss you right now

sam: i wish we could make that happen ㅋㅋ

sam: and thank you for the compliment~

felix: of course!

felix: when do i get to see you

sam: would it be too soon if i asked you to come visit me once i'm back in korea?

felix: nooo, you can invite me~

sam: please come see me as soon as i'm back in korea. you can stay at my apartment if you'd like. and i'll pay for your flights.

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