at my worst

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- felix -

my yoshi passes hyunjin's waluigi at the last second, crossing the finish line and sniping the win for the fourth time in a row.

"gaaahhh!!" hyunjin flops over dramatically, one arm dangling off the couch as he groans in defeat. he splays his legs across my lap as he stares up at the ceiling. i laugh and click a button on my controller which causes fanfare music to start up and our mario kart characters to appear on the winners' podium. yoshi pumps his fist in the air, standing at the very top.

at the sound of music and fireworks, hyunjin tilts his head towards the screen and gasps at the results. propping himself up on his elbows, he blinks rapidly and leans towards the screen as if he can't believe his eyes.

"third??? i didn't even get second?? oh, screw you baby mario. i'm coming for you. i know where you live," hyunjin rants animatedly, gesturing at the screen. i crack up at his villain speech and hyunjin laughs too, relaxing back onto the couch cushions.

"good game," i say with a cheeky grin. hyunjin groans loudly in response and i crack up again.

"i bet i know something that will cheer you up," i start, waiting to catch his eye before continuing. "we could eat those brownies now," i suggest and hyunjin immediately springs up from the couch.

"let's go," he demands, grabbing my arms and pulling me up from the couch as i laugh. "come on, come on," he rushes me down the stairs, holding onto my hand.

"i'm going, i'm going," i reply, grinning. my heartbeat races in anticipation over whether or not hyunjin will like the brownies i made. i really really hope he does. hyunjin reaches to take one off the rack but freezes, looking at me to make sure it's okay this time. his hand hovers over the brownies and i nod at him.

"yes, it's okay. they've cooled down now," i explain. then i close my eyes and make a wish. please let hyunjin not be disappointed. i open them just in time to see hyunjin take a small bite. he hums in surprise and satisfaction, widening his eyes. then he takes a bigger bite and does a little happy dance as he enjoys it. the breath i was holding comes out as a laugh.

"you like it?" i ask and hyunjin just hums again, squeezing his eyes shut with pleasure as he wiggles around, making me laugh.

"you like it?" i ask again, teasing him as i walk over and place a hand on his shoulder. "you like- mph!" hyunjin shoves a piece of brownie in my mouth to stop my questioning.

     the chocolate taste is perfect and the texture makes it melt on my tongue. i hum before i realize what i'm doing and it causes us both to laugh silently through our noses, trying not to choke.

     "i'm not a big sweet tooth, but these are delicious. what do you put in them?" hyunjin asks before taking his next bite. as he chews, he tilts his head to the side and looks at me curiously.

     "oh, uh, nothing special really. just a pinch of salt to make them extra savory," i explain, feeling grateful that my wish came true. hyunjin nods, processing my words. then an idea pops into my mind.

     "oh! we should save the rest to share with your members in honor of recording day tomorrow!" i exclaim.

     hyunjin stops mid-chew and just looks at me. after a moment he finishes chewing and swallows.

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