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- felix -

     "well, i guess we need to talk more about matt," i start as my fingers softly trail up and down a small section of hyunjin's thigh on my lap. he's still wearing his fancy black dress pants and the fabric feels silky under my fingertips. "i want to clarify again that i wasn't flirting with him. we were talking about being foreigners in korea and laughing about the videos i had just taken of your bandmates..." i look at hyunjin. "nothing sexy," i promise. with this, i give his thigh a little pinch, causing him to yelp and laugh in surprise.

     "i can't just block everyone who you think is interested in me," i continue and hyunjin pouts which makes me laugh. "seriously, we need to find a solution. i can't cut off matt like i did with dex. i'm going to be working with him a lot now that i'm your tiktok manager. plus, it would be good for me to make some friends here."

     "you want to be friends with matt?" hyunjin asks. he doesn't sound pleased with the idea but he doesn't seem to despise it either.

     "well, maybe? i would need to get to know him better before deciding but yes, potentially. would that be a problem?" i ask. hyunjin takes a moment to think before responding.

"i would feel a lot better about it if he knew that you're taken," he eventually admits.

"that's no problem, i can find a way to casually mention that the next time i see him."

"really?" hyunjin asks, his eyes surprised and hopeful.

"yeah, that's no problem. and let's be honest, he probably already knows i'm with you now because of the articles," i respond and hyunjin smiles ruefully.

"there's another thing we need to touch on," i broach. "you don't know this because you haven't known me for long enough but, hyunjinnie, i do like playfully flirting with my friends." at this confession, i get worried about hyunjin's reaction and start explaining myself quickly. "only with people i'm really close with though! for example, my friends back home. they all know that it's just for fun and i don't like any of them like that. and half of them are dating each other so it's obvious they don't mean it when they flirt back. we all do it as a joke, you know? just for fun. and-"

"hey, hey, felix, breath," hyunjin interrupts. "don't worry, i get it. you seem to be forgetting, but i'm a member of stray kids. we do that nonstop." i break into a laugh at this. "and i don't like any of them. so, yeah, it's totally fine," hyunjin says and then goes silent for a second. "oh god, that reminds me..."

"reminds you of what?" i ask, confused.

"i flirt with stays too," he admits and i snort at this.

"hopefully not the same way you flirted with me," i tease, letting my hands travel further up his thigh than before. he shivers.

"never. you're special," he says seriously. i continue teasing his leg with my fingertips.

"am i really the only stay that you've wanted to date?" i ask boldly, letting my curiosity get the better of me.

"my love, you are the only stay i've ever wanted to kiss or do anything with. i said so during our first meeting, didn't i?" he asks, taking my hand in his and grazing his thumb over it.

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