Chapter 11 - 20

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Chapter 11

Hua Ming Zi sucked in a breath and immediately sat up straight. She bit her lip and very quickly she released it again. Although she had her veil on, she still felt uncomfortable under the scrutiny of his eagle-like eyes.

Initially, she wanted to get up to welcome him but she forced herself to remain seated and leaned back against the chair.

This is Hua Mansion........she is free to do whatever she pleases.

When Ying Yan Long saw Hua Ming Zi still did not have any intention of getting up, he did not say anything and just looked at her for a moment.

What feelings of hatred existed between him and Hua Ming Zi? Although Hua Ming Zi has a strong reputation outside, he had never heard she was impolite to others. Could it be because he did not send an Introduction Note beforehand and did not announce his name, so he is considered impolite? But she should not be such a snob.

Hua Ming Zi knew that Ying Yan Long was staring at her and knew that he was displeased because even though his face did not show the slightest change, the atmosphere in the hall had become heavy without a doubt.

She did not get up because she did not want to have any association with this man, lest he could guess her identity. So she decided to treat him with impoliteness in order to make him never come back to seek her again. Otherwise, she did not know how much time she would have to waste on him.

She felt that having a confrontation with Ying Yan Long would not be advantageous.

"I wonder what made Ying Dangjia come here personally." She deliberately lowered her voice tone and said.

"I didn't expect Hua Dangjia to know who I am." Ying Yan Long said coldly but did not sit down.

So it seems she knows who he is, so the reason for her rudeness today is really her refusal to the marriage proposal. Then why did she initially agree to consider marriage with his younger brother?

"Ying Dangjia, please take a seat." Hua Ming Zi continued to use a different tone from her normal voice.

Ying Yan Long still did not sit down but stared at her and walked closer to her, step by step.

Hua Ming Zi unconsciously held her breath. The chair she was sitting on was specially set upon a high platform so that she would sound more imposing when she spoke. But now as she watched him coming towards her, she felt oppressed by him.

"Does Ying Dangjia have a secret that you want to tell me and does not want anyone to hear? If so, I can order my people to retreat." She pretended to smile with a relaxed composure but her hands were clenched tightly into fists.

"There is no secret." Ying Yan Long could feel her taut posture but she was not scared out of her wits by his actions which showed she did have some courage.

"Please be seated, Ying Dangjia." She leaned forward and waved her hand.

"I believe Hua Family's hospitality is different from the norm and naturally, as a guest I will abide by your rules and will not be seated like your normal guest." Ying Yan Long's lips curved into a faint smile and stood motionless in front of her.

(Here YYL is trying to imply that since he came as an uninvited guest, a guest who did not send an Introduction Note in advance to seek a meeting and also a guest who came without presenting a Visiting Note. Therefore he refused to sit down like a normal guest since HMZ did not show him any hospitality and did not seem to welcome him.)

Hua Ming Zi looked at the smile on his face and her heart constricted inexplicably. She had never seen Ying Xue Wen before but she does not think that he would have Ying Yan Long's elegant demeanor of confidence and prestige which is more attractive than his appearance.

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