Rewrite up!

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Hi guys!

So as you know this story has been on and off for a while. I promised a rewrite because if I'm being honest I didn't like the way I started this story and how I wrote some time ago. It took me a while but I finally got the rewrite up!

The first 3 chapters are on my ao3 account, FantasyTiger123. 

Just to reassure you though, I've recently started getting back into this story and don't mind how its going so far. The rewrite has a bit of a different storyline, just in terms of how the timeline works, how Harry finds out and what happens, so I wanted to continue this story too, just for fun. I know how annoying it is when a story is left halfway. Just a heads up the updates may not be frequent or regular (not that they were right now anyway). I'm going to be focusing on the other story but I'll still come back to this one every once a while.


The new story's called Harry Potter:Lost Prince of Olympus ( the writings a lot better in my opinion) and the account name is the same on ao3 ( so FantasyTiger123) .

I'll post it here too for those who can't access ao3 but the ao3 one is probably going to be more up to date. I can't attach a link for some reason unfortunately. If you just search up my account name on ao3 a lot of my stories will probably come up. Enjoy!

Harry Potter, son of the big three: The invisible boy beneath the maskWhere stories live. Discover now