Chapter 15

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson.

That night, the entire school gathered in the great hall. The stars twinkled brightly with a full moon giving off a silver ring of light. The melting candles floated over head and casting a warm glow, but the main source of light was something everyone was eager to see. The goblet of fire stood in its full glory. Time seemed to drag on as everyone ate their dinner and waited anticipatedly.

The meals were succulently cooked to perfection with sauces and spices soaked into the food. Vegetables were steamed in herbed water, a magical spice coated them making them sweet or spicy depending on personal taste. The drinks were smooth. Depending on what you were drinking they were either cold enough to freeze your soul or hot enough to warm your inside outs. The desserts were sweet enough to make your teeth fall out. No more than one person couldn't finish their serving and had a stomach ache from hell. The one person who could ate like a pig and made people inch away from him. Ron Weasley had an appetite the size of a bear, people had decided.

After a delicious meal, the time had finally come for the drawing of the champions. With a flick of Dumbledore's wand all the candle lights were extinguished, the enchanted ceiling disappeared and was transfigured into a plain one and the tables were turned into stands that crawled up the great hall's walls. Soon the only source of light in the dark room was the light from the goblet of fire. Blue fire cast an eerie shadow on their faces making it seem sinister. People shuddered as they looked around and shadows creeped up behind everyone.

Harry felt dread fill his stomach as three voices whispered in sync, "Be careful stolen child," in his mind. He shivered at the voices. They were old and brittle. Like autumn leaves in October They're voices carried on in his mind in hushed whispers. Always ancient and eccentric. With the words, flashes of three elderly woman holding yarn and a large silver needle filled his mind. They were knitting a massive gold and emerald sock, the two treads interweaving as the newest section was a burnt piece of paper floating out. He closed his eyes and tried to banish the vision desperately. The picture disappeared as soon as it came and left Harry shaky. His sixth sense for trouble was on alert and he tried to hope that nothing would happen. It would never work. He knew it. It was just his luck. Something had to happen. It was how his life worked.

He couldn't have a normal year could he? Harry watched as Dumbledore clapped his hands though it was unnecessary. All was quite in the normally noisy hall.

"The goblet is almost ready to make its decision. It will most likely take one more minute." Dumbledore began, "Now if your name is called out of the goblet please come to the front of the hall, walk along the staff table and go through to the next chamber. There you shall receive the first of many instructions."

As if on que, the goblet roared to life. The emerald green fire leapt up as if there was a dragon inside and was breathing flames. The demigods flinched. It was too much of a reminder of Greek fire for them to not. The first paper shot out of the goblet like a rocket, it rose in the air and plummeted towards Dumbledore.

Dumbledore grabbed it before it hit the ground and unrolled it as he felt a slight sting from the burnt edges, "The champion for Drumstrang is Victor Krum!"

There was a wave of cheers, the loudest from his school as the boy made his way towards the front of the hall. Harry could hear Ron fangirling over Victor Krum and Draco scoffing at Ron's ridiculous behaviour. Draco leaned over to Harry," He would take the silver for stalking. The gold would go to his sister."  

Harry felt a smile tug at his lips as he looked around and spotted Ginny. Her eyes alternating from the cup and Harry. " Who'd take the bronze?"

"Don't know. Haven't decided yet. Probably Weasley's wife, Granger," Draco answered sniggering.

Harry nodded holding back laughter while small snickers escaped. Percy leaned over and whispered, "I'm surprised you haven't said Colin."

Harry glared at him and punched his arm hard. "Don't speak bad about Colin. Sure he can get annoying at times but he's innocent, a good friend and useful." he hissed at him, green eyes turning hard as he turned around just in time for Dumbledore to announce Fleur Delacour was a champion.

Draco leaned over to where Percy was rubbing his bruised shoulder. "That's why I didn't say Colin." he said with a smirk. Percy glared at him and scowled before turning back to the drawing.

Once more the goblet roared announcing that Cedric Diggory from Hufflepuff was the Hogwarts champion. The cheers were so loud they were able to drown out the sobbing from the Beauxbatons who were upset they didn't get chosen. They were really upset.

The flames from the goblet died down and the flames from the candles flickered back on. The ceiling went back to normal and the applause died down. Harry was beginning to hope his vision was wrong.

"Well those are the champions for this-" Dumbledore cut himself of as he felt heat flare up behind him. He turned and saw the flames at a new time high. A paper fluttered out slowly, one corner still lit on fire. The fire went out as Dumbledore held out his hand to catch it.

Harry could feel dread and anxiety fill him as his hoped down the second two words were spoken by Dumbledore.

"Harry Potter."

 Thanks for reading! I hope you like it. Please continue commenting and sharing your ideas and commenting. It really helps. Don't worry Harry will be finding out the truth about his family soon. Well the Olympians will definitely try to tell him. *hint*

Thanks. Hope you have a nice day!

Fantasy Tiger

Harry Potter, son of the big three: The invisible boy beneath the maskWhere stories live. Discover now