Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson.

The next morning, Harry woke up earlier than any of his dorm mates. He needed some time alone. After last nights argument, he just cracked. He couldn't hold it in any more. It was like he drowning of the middle of the shipwreck and he managed to swim to the surface. It was a new feeling for him.

He quietly tip toed to the bathroom and looked at his reflection in the mirror as he internally cringed at how he weak and washed out he looked. Just how he felt. His eyes were red and his cheeks were flushed and had tear marks on them. Quickly washing his face, he looked back up. His appearance hadn't changed much. He still had red eyes and flushed cheeks but looked more alert. He didn't know how he was going to hide this from the others. Shaking his head, he walked back to his dorm.

He opened his trunk and slowly removed everything leaving them in a messy pile on the floor until he reached the bottom. Shakily, he pulled out a worn out black diary that had the letter H engraved into it. Clutching it protectively to his chest, he crawled into his bed and snuggled into the covers before slowly opening the diary and flicking through the pages. He leafed through the book softly, tracing random pictures and words on different pages until he reached the page he wanted to see.

There was a moving picture on the page. It was a picture of a man and a woman holding a baby happily waving to the camera. The man had messy black hair and hazel eyes while the woman had auburn hair with bright emerald green eyes. They held a giggling baby who had the mans messy black hair and the woman's emerald eyes. It was one of the only picture that contained Harry with his parents. He looked happy. 

Underneath the picture there was a sentence that Harry never got tired of seeing. Sometimes he thought he could hear his mother whispering those words in his ear as she lived her final moments.

"Harry Mummy loves you. Harry Mummy and Daddy love you so much. Be strong. Be brave."

His head gave a clench at the thought. He wished he knew what she sounded like. He wished she knew what kind of person she was at all. No one told him. He was the boy who lived. He knew who his parents were. He was supposed to know.

He didn't. He did know who they were. He didn't know what they were like. He didn't know if they truly loved him or it was just something they said.

He banished the depressing thoughts from his head and continued to flick through the diary. He stopped at the most recent page and ran his fingers over it. 

It was a picture like the other one but it was of him and the Olympians in the pool and didn't move. He looked at his happy face and smiled. It was the happiest he remembered being in a long time. He took a deep shuddering breath and took out his wand. 

Harry pointed at the picture and said in a clear whisper. "Motus memoriter"

It was a spell he created by combining two. He created it based on spells usually used to make wizarding photo years ago and a spell that was a variant of a pensive. He found both spells in the Potter grimoire and combined them. No one knew he had the potter grimoire. Another thing he managed to keep hidden from Dumbledore and his merry band of idiots.

Harry watched in hidden fascination as the picture lit up and started moving. An exact replica of what happened in that moment. Like he was watching a memory on replay. It was wonderful. He let out a soft chuckle.

He watched the picture for a few minutes before he heard someone move. Looking up, he scanned the room. No one. He brushed it off and continued being mesmerised at the pictures movements before eagerly taking out his wand and flipping the pages to see if it would work with any other pictures. Just as he was about to say the incantation he heard a voice.

Harry Potter, son of the big three: The invisible boy beneath the maskWhere stories live. Discover now