Chapter 23

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This one was..intense to say the least... but I can't imagine him acting any other way so..enjoy...



That there was a boy, in the school he stayed at, a boy who looked so much like us. A boy who was everything that Hadrian was meant to be and possessed everything that Hadrian was meant to possess. Powers like us all, black hair like Hades, green eyes like Poseidon, my nose and my temper. It was too good to believe. So we headed over. Just to check and find someway to get him back. To make sure it was true. And thank the fates that it was. I thank the fates everyday that we found you Harry. For you are our son. Our baby boy."



"You're lying."

"No. Its true. Please believe me son."

"Stop calling me that. You-you have no, no right to call me that." 

Harry eyes filled with tears, his nose crinkled upwards and blood rushed to his cheeks, making them look flushed the way it always did whenever he was upset, Zeus had noticed. His voice cracked and he shuffled to the side suddenly. He stumbled up hastily and Zeus watched, sadness weighing down on his heart as Harry stood in disbelief, unable to believe that anyone could ever love him.

"Harry. Please. Believe me." Zeus pleaded, his hands reaching out to grab Harry's arms only to be pushed back as Harry stumbled free.

"No! Is this some trick? Some stupid trick? Pick on the new guy? God, I was stupid..stupid enough to believe you actually cared. Stupid. Stupid." Harry mumbled, his voice breaking and tears running down his face. He reached up grabbing a fistful of hair and resting his hands on top of his head.

" Harry please. Little lightning bolt-"

"Stop calling me that!"

A crackle of lightning flashed across the sky and the noise made them jump. Zeus glanced over and watched as Harry shuddered, his body racking with repressed sobs and his eyes glowing ever so slightly.

"Harry. You need to calm down. Please listen to me. I'm not lying-"

"But you are! You must be! Even if you weren't, it took you months! Months to tell me. You let me think I was crazy, stupid to ever doubt you. To ever think you were hiding something. You let me think you cared, for me! For Harry! Only to stand here and tell me its all a lie? What the hell is wrong with you all?" Harry screamed, his voice running horse and the sobs making his words almost undistinguishable but Zeus heard everything. Every word felt like a punch to his gut. He was right. 

They waited months. Months when they could have told him earlier. Much earlier. All because they were scared. Now it had cost them possibly everything. And as Zeus watched Harry call himself stupid once again, he felt himself  recoil. They had been stupid. Not him.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He whispered. Another bout of thunder crashed across the sky. A drop of water fell down his face and he absentmindedly glanced up expecting the grey storming clouds but not the lack of rain. It was then when he realised that he was crying. 

It was after that, when the rain came. Pouring down, hitting every surface, covering everything in sight. They stood, drenched and he watched as Harry leaned against the tree, his messy wet curls laying against his forehead and the hard rainwater mixing with his tears. Those hurt green eyes pierced his soul.

"Why did you make me feel so stupid?" He asked in a hoarse voice. "Why did you wait so long? Why did you do it?" He asked one last time before dissolving into frantic sobs. 

Another flash of lightning swept across the sky, a white streak marring it before coming down and hitting the tree above them. The tree wobbled, its charred structure falling sideward and Zeus jumped to the side before it could fall on him, his eyes flickering from the tree to his son to the sky. Wha-who-

Harry let out a strangled sob as he stared at the tree stumbling back. " I did that...didn't I?" He asked in a trembling voice, staring at Zeus's face with horror finding his answer when Zeus's turned, his eyes focused on the tree as if it was both a mystery and an answer. "No. " He whispered, his breath coming out in ragged gasps. "What-How-" He cut off, sobs breaking from his throat and his lungs expanding and hurting as he desperately tried to breath in. The world around him seemed to turn and he felt dizzy all of a sudden. 

His panic seemed to snap Zeus from what ever daze he had been in and he surged forward grabbing Harry and pulling him into a hug. His hands came around, one resting on Harry's back, the other on the back of his head, holding him tight and preventing his escape. "Shh. It's okay. Breath. Breath for me." He whispered, leaning his chin on Harry's head. He ignored Harry's angry whimpers and his half hearted attempts to push him away. "I know. I'm sorry. Its alright. Just breath. We'll figure it all out later. I promise. Just breath for now okay?"

That was all it took for Harry to slump against him, his body shaking and his throat hoarse from screaming. He took a breath in, panicking when he found himself unable to inhale any more air. His breathing only seemed to become more precarious. 

"No. No. You have to calm down. Its okay. Just copy my breathing okay. In. and out. You're going to be fine. I promise." Zeus whispered, he shifted, till Harry was at arm length and gently took Harry's hand, placing it on his chest. They stood there for what seemed like forever, waiting until Harry's breath seemed to even out and the rain stopped and the clouds dissipated. 

Harry Potter, son of the big three: The invisible boy beneath the maskWhere stories live. Discover now