Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson.

Chapter 3

By the time Harry came down into the frighteningly pristine kitchen, the Dursley's were already seated. Dudley was bouncing in his chair while his Uncle Vernon was sitting beside him with his large red face hidden behind the newspaper. 'I wonder how long it would take for his face to pop from the pressure?' he thought. He moved his gaze to his Aunt who was cutting the grape fruit into pieces giving each person one. Soon she moved a tiny piece onto his plate. He didn't fail to notice how much smaller his piece was compared to the rest of the family's. His stomach rumbled from the lack of food as he thought longingly of the food that he had stashed. Stupid Dudley! He had to just eat his food.

His mind wondered to when he caught Dudley rifling through his food and made the deal with him. He smiled widely when he thought of the deal he made in exchange.


Harry was running up the stairs his mind on the food that he had hidden. It had been 2 days since he had eaten and the only reason he hadn't bit into some of the food he was sent was because he needed it to last the whole summer and he didn't exactly trust the senders. But then again who did he trust? Pushing open the door, he was shocked to see the sight that greeted him. All the food: Mrs Weasley's fruit cakes and pie's, Hemione's sugar free food and even Hagrid's rock cakes were scattered on the floor. And the pig in the middle of the mess was none other than his heavily obese cousin Dudley. Harry quickly closed his door so no one would find out what was going on.

"What do you think your doing?" Harry hissed fighting the urge to electrocute Dudley until his heart stopped.

Dudley looked up, his mouth full with food and swallowed before responding, "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm eating freak!"

Harry's anger spiked. He was visibly shaking. "I know what you are doing you piece of dog shit. Why are you doing it? Its my food!"

Dudley whined, "But I'm hungry! Its annoying watching my friends eat whatever they want! I'll starve!"

Harry looked at all the excess fat on Dudley. 'Its likely he'll ever starve'. He doesn't even know what its like to starve. Look at me. I haven't eaten in 2 days and he ate this morning! But instead he said, "Its from my friends. You know the wizarding kind."

If that didn't get Dudley to back off, nothing would. Dudley looked around at the food on the floor and nodded making up his mind turning his watering pig eyes to Harry. "I'll don't mind."

Harry's mouth dropped. He wanted to scream. He suddenly had an idea. Letting a creepy smile form on his face he watched Dudley flinch. It must have been scary. Nodding, Harry asked, "Dudley how about we make a deal?" he purred rubbing his hands together.

"What kind of deal?" Dudley asked suspiciously. Harry's smile widened.

"I'll let you eat the food my friends sent me." he said as Dudley looked like he was about to cheer. He put up his finger, "But for a condition."

Dudley's eyes narrowed and he asked, "What kind of conditions?"

Harry smiled evilly as his eyes sparked innocently as they held a dark intent. He thought of all the things he could have before deciding on a few. "I get to throw things at you to see how fat have to be to form a gravitational pull and make things float without magic and if we get caught you have to take the blame. You have to distract your parents whenever I sneak out and I get half of your pocket money."

Harry Potter, son of the big three: The invisible boy beneath the maskWhere stories live. Discover now