Chapter 22

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. All rights belong to J.K Rowling.

Okay...its been a while...but here I am! And after a really...really...really long break I'm back and hoping to update the story as regularly as possible. Sorry for the delay rly!

Chapter 22

"I-I..can't tell you Harry. I wish I could." Hermes whispered resigned. Kicking at the rock nearby his foot he sighed as he watched Harry shake his head with a look of betrayal on his face and run out of the owlery.

They had to tell him. They couldn't keep it a secret any longer.

The relationship they built with him wouldn't survive that long.


Harry had stormed out the second Hermes had a look of pity on his face. He didn't want pity. He wanted answers. He wanted a family. And no matter what he did, he'd never be able to get one. Because he'd mess it up every time.

Stupid. Stupid.

Tears blurred his eyes. What had he done? It was all going so perfect. And he'd just ruined it.

 He'd ruined everything.

The thought swirled in his head even as he desperately tried to push it away. It was always like this. He'd always ruin everything.

Harry had been sitting under a tree near the black lake when a figure had walked up behind him. He had hurriedly wiped his tears and held in his sobs as he stared up at the tired and distraught face of Zeus and he flinched at the idea of being the reason for anyone's pain.

"Harry." Zeus whispered, his eyes searching him only seeming to grow more tired and downcast at the tear marks running down Harry's face. "Come inside. We'll get you hot chocolate, you must be freezing. I-"

"I'm fine out here." Harry's voice cuts in, cold and hard as he stared forward fixated on the slowly moving lake in front. "Thank you but I'm fine. "

"Harry please. Come inside."

"Why?" he whispers softly, all his pain and misery bleeding into his voice. "I'm just..a nobody. You don't want me around. I know I did probably did something wrong or..something to offend you and I'm sorry. I'll stay away."

" Harry, please. I-...I should be the one apologising here. Not you." Zeus sits down next to him, his hands winding round resting on Harry's shoulders ignoring the way he stiffened at the contact. "I'm so sorry my little lightning bolt. So very sorry that I kept everything from you. That after all this time, I did nothing but make you feel stupid and abuse your trust. You did nothing wrong Harry, you never can in my eyes. Forgive me, son."

"W-what do you mean?" 

Zeus sighed, pulling Harry closer till he rested on his chest and he moved his right hand carding it through Harry's silky black locks and kissing the top of his head lovingly. "Let me tell you a story, lightning bolt. A story of pain and loss and most of all love."

And at Harry's apprehensive nod, he pulled Harry closer and started, his voice gentle and his hands still carding through Harry's hair in a soothing motion.

"A long time ago, my brothers and I argued. Back and forth till our voices were hoarse and the entire of Olympus stood with their ears ringing in the aftermath. We caused destruction and pain far greater than we thought, I am ashamed to say and when we realised, we were devastated. But we were too far apart, what little had been of our relationship had been lost in those months and we found ourselves unable to feel anything but annoyance when we stared at one another. It was a dark day when our mother decided she could take it no longer. So she came, that night, in her hands a page and her eyes determined as she regaled her bright idea. An idea she promised would help. She proposed a ritual. A ritual that would take blood from each of us, essence from each of us and create a child. And so, in our desperate situations we agreed. I do not regret what we did. I never will. A baby boy was created. His hair black like Hades, his eyes green like Poseidon and his nose and temper like mine. We named him Hadrian." Zeus let out a low chuckle, his eyes glazing over as he thought of the numerous temper tantrums and screaming fits Harry had thrown when he was with them before continuing.

"We loved him. From the moment we saw his rosy cheeks, we loved him. And all of Olympus seemed to agree. We were all so happy. Until one day, on his second birthday, Hades walked in his room only to find it empty. Someone had taken him. And from then on, we spent every moment trying to find him. Every moment trying to see where he had ended up. Nearly nine years had passed and we slowly began loosing hope. It wasn't until a ghost came to Hades, his eyes wide and his hands trembling as he spoke of his suspicions. That there was a boy, in the school he stayed at, a boy who looked so much like us. A boy who was everything that Hadrian was meant to be and possessed everything that Hadrian was meant to possess. Powers like us all, black hair like Hades, green eyes like Poseidon, my nose and my temper. It was too good to believe. So we headed over. Just to check and find someway to get him back. To make sure it was true. And thank the fates that it was. I thank the fates everyday that we found you Harry. For you are our son. Our baby boy."


Harry Potter, son of the big three: The invisible boy beneath the maskWhere stories live. Discover now