Chapter 13

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson.

Chapter 13

Harry sighed inaudibly and focused his attention back onto the conversation he was having with Draco. 

"Harry. Can you believe it? Victor Krum sitting next to me!" Draco gushed like a fifteen year old fan girl who had met her idol, which wasn't very far from the truth.

"What's your point?" Harry asked.

"What's my point? Victor Krum is sitting next to me! That's my point!" Draco said disbelievingly as they passed Jordan bouncing up and down trying to get a glance at Victor. Draco closed his fists over and hunched over slightly as if to protect something significant. "Harry I understand you've always been new to the whole new magical world but even you know the glory and greatness of Quidditch. He's one of the most famous Quidditch stars!"

"Glory and greatness? Its a game Draco. I know its awesome game but I just like to fly. Anyway you sit with Greek Gods and Goddess. Why are you gushing like a super fan?" Harry explained distractedly.

"Duly Noted." Draco said as he straightened his back into the proper Malfoy posture. He unclenched his fists and a light blush dusted his face which was gone as soon as it came.

The group passed a group of girls squealing over an uncomfortable Krum. They were running around trying to find something for Krum to sign with.

"Do you have a quill?"

"Ughhh. Nooo. I left mine in the dorm."

"Wait I have lipstick!" 

A fight broke out over the lipstick as the teachers hurried over trying to get the girls to separate. Much to their dismay Hermione huffed and walked over towards them. 

"Honestly I don't know what all the hubbub on one guy is all about." She said in her know it all tone.

The gods and demigods walking nearby walked quicker to catch up with Harry and gave her dark glares that sent her running. Draco wrinkled his nose in disgust as Harry made a throwing up motion which made them all burst out into laughter.

Soon they separated and walked to their respective tables. They were in the great hall for the welcoming feast in the morning before the Halloween feast that night. 

Harry let a smirk form on his face as he spotted Ron's furious face sitting next to Hermione. His face had a few boils curtesy of Fred and George. He was loudly complaining about Victor Krum rejecting his plea for an autograph. However, as Harry saw it Krum was rejecting most peoples pleas. Ron just was one of the people who took it personally.

Dumbledore soon stood up from his throne at the teachers table and started to make his speech in his regular outfit. Bright orange with green stars. After a few minutes of Dumbledore gazing around the room he finally started his speech as the headmasters from other schools sat down.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and guests. I hope you enjoy the wonder of experiencing a new school and cultures." Some guests snorted. After seeing the state of the school they had already started to rule this trip as awful. "Most of all I hope you enjoy the treats we have planned. Yorkshire pudding. Toad in the hole. Fish and chips. I personally can not wait for the morning desserts to pop up. I've been having a particular craving for trifle ever since I woke up. For those of you not familiar with the dish it's delightful. Made with layers of sponge cake alternated with custard, jam or fruit and whipped cream. Sometimes its soaked in alcohol but I've only tried the butter beer one. However this time I want to try the fire whiskey one."  

McGonagall cleared her throat pointedly. Not many people wanted to listen to the Headmaster talk about alcoholic soaked sweets. Frankly it was embarrassing. On the other hand some people were leaning forward in interest. 

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