Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson.

The next day, Harry walked through the school trying to ignore the flurry of whispers that followed him. He knew he should have been used to it. The whispers never stopped. The prying eyes never stopped looking at him. They never let him be himself. He just wanted to escape.

Harry walked down to the potions lab absentmindedly hugging his book closer. As he walked in he saw Hermione's red face glaring at him and the cold look Ron and his friends directed his way. He shielded himself away from their look of loathing and looked around. 

"Harry!" he heard Thalia call from beside him. He smiled weakly and slowly took a seat next to them. They all gave him warm smiles and he found himself smiling back. Just then Snape came barging in with his black robes billowing behind him. He looked around and sneered disdainfully before his eyes landed on Harry talking to the Olympians and his sneer widened and an immense look of loathing appeared.

"Potter!" Snape snarled, "Thought you could come into my classroom and muck about? Trying to disrupt the order in the classroom because of your selfish reasons? Your just like your father. He too was an arrogant brat! Strutted around like he owned the place. Well that's 20 points from Gryffindor and a weeks worth of cleaning the cauldrons in detention with me."

Harry glared at Snape darkly. His temper rose at those words. His emerald eyes darkened and a burning fire lit in them. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and clenched them into fists. He hated Snape with a burning passion. He was just a bully. A bully who he wasn't going to give the satisfaction of taunting him.

"Something to say Potter? Perhaps I'll increase the loss of points. Merlin knows how many you've already lost for Gryffindor. Its no wonder they think of you as a burden." Snape said with a disgusting smile waiting for a reaction out of him.

Harry flinched at those words a little. Everyone thought of him as a burden. He was so tired of it. What was he doing wrong? What did he do to deserve this? Some of the Gryffindor's sniggered as Ron and Hermione nodded their heads in agreement.  He wanted to run. He wanted to run away from everything and live in his own little corner. Where there still was a spark of hope. 

But when he saw the dark satisfaction in Snape's eye the thoughts vanished from his mind. This was what he wanted. He was a bully. A bully who wanted to make himself feel superior by putting others down. Before he could say anything someone else spoke.

"Shut up you slimy greasy git! Look at you! Your so pathetic you couldn't find the shampoo in the morning! Just because Harry's a hundred times better than you, you think its okay to bully him. Get over your pathetic life problems and start acting like a man instead of a child who likes throwing tantrums!" Percy screamed.

"He's right. My mother used to say a phrase. Maybe you could learn something from it. Spegnere la candela di qualcun altron non fara brillare di piu la tua. It means blowing out someone elses candle won't make yours shine any brighter in Italian. Take notes you slime ball!" Nico replied shouting. 

"Exactly idiot. Its a wonder you haven't been arrested! You snarky dumb ass!" Thalia said angrily.

With those words, the three teenagers got up and dragged Harry out with them as their parents hastily followed leaving chaos in their ruins.

"Well. It seems Potter can't control his friends either. Well Gryffindor will pay for its housemates insolence. That'll be another 40 points from the house." Snape said sneering as his face rapidly reddened with anger. 

"No that's enough! Will you stop? I may not like Gryffindor but not everyone's bad. Harry never deserves what you give him. He's just a child who wants to learn. Your forgetting that you were once like him. Did everyone just expect you to suddenly have Potions mastered in your first few years? You bully and taunt him and I'm sick of it. Put your jealousy and petty biases behind you. Your chasing revenge on a dead man! James Potter's dead! He died an honourable death because he grew up. It's time you do it too! " Draco shouted angrily.

Snape watched his godson in shock. His eyes widened and the look of anger on his face increased tenfold. Just when he was about to reprimand him, the rest of the Slytherins nodded in agreement.

"He's right. If not for Potter and the rest of the houses then for us. Its not fair. We can't have a decent lesson without you distracting us by snapping at someone for some problem that isn't their fault." Daphne picked up.

"She's right. Potter your breathing too loudly. Potter your just like your father. Potter this and Potter that. Just let us work in piece and for once be the good teacher we know you can be!" Blaise said calmly. 

With those words the Slytherins packed up and gave a respectful nod in their teachers direction before walking off out of the classroom. Snape stood there dumfounded before storming out with a last glare towards the students in red and gold.

The Gryffindor's looked at them in shock. Ron was fuming by the mouth at this time with Hermione right behind him.

"Look their attention seeking gits. We can't trust them. They've turned Harry evil. Now he's being a burden. He's acting worthless. Lets leave them and take this as a chance for a free period!" Ron said enthusiastically grinning as he looked at his fellow Gryffindor's for support. 

The only thing he received in return were cold looks of disgust and some of even shock that he said this about Harry. 

"I think your wrong Ronald. Harry's not worthless or a burden. He's the kindest and best person there is. He's always been there for everyone and if the whole of Gryffindor house decide to give away a lifetime worth of friendship for this mindless lackey sitting over here then what the Slytherins say about the house is right. You really are all pathetic. The Slytherin's aren't bad. They are actually nice if you get to know them. Its their parents pressurizing them and the horrible opinions people have of their house that make them seem like it. Think it over." Neville said surprisingly brave. 

He too got up and left out the door leaving flabbergasted Gryffindor's who had a lot to think about and two of Dumbledore's idiotic lackeys who were rapidly reddening in fury.

Hi! I hope you like the chapter. In my opinion I honestly think Snape needs to grow up. I mean he wants revenge on a man who's dead and can't defend himself. Its not honourable and its cowardly. I think Snape should just grow up a little. 

Also I don't think the demigods and gods would let Snape treat Harry like that.

P.S. Do you want the Gryffindor's except Ron and Hermione to be good, neutral or bad? Do you want Snape and Voldemort to be bad?

Anyway Thanks for reading. Please comment. I would appreciate your opinions.


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