Vote for Harry's ship

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I was getting really confused on who to pair Harry with and couldn't decide so I thought you could decide for me. Comment on who you think Harry should be with.
Bare in mind that Harry's the son of the big three so the person he's with has to be connected to the world of gods in some way like a legacy or even a god. The person might also go with Harry to the Yule ball if they're not a god or goddess.
Your options are :
A god or goddess ( you can choose but they can't be directly related to Harry like aunts or uncles)
A demigod (can't be Percy, Thalia, Nico or Annabeth)
A legacy( they'd have to go to Hogwarts)
Or someone the gods blessed? Like daphne greengrass or Luna love good.

Harry Potter, son of the big three: The invisible boy beneath the maskWhere stories live. Discover now