Chapter 21(NEW CHAPTER)

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. All credits belong to the authors.

Chapter 21

The duo sat in silence for a couple more moments. It wasn't an awkward silence. Not the one where you could practically feel the tension radiating and you have the overwhelming urge to run away and get it done with. No it was comfortable. The type where you could sit for hours in each others company never getting bored or tired. Just enjoying the peace. They were jolted out of their thoughts when a white blur came swooping towards them...

They snapped out of their thoughts when the persistent rustling of wings got louder and more pronounced. The white blur soared through into the owlery with a fiery vengeance gliding above Hermes, who fell to the floor with his head bowed and his arms above in a protective stance just in time.

By the time he had reluctantly picked himself up, he came face to face with a majestic snowy owl perched on Harry's shoulder nibbling at his ear.


The owl in question simply hooted in response before her beady eyes landed on the murky brown envelope in Harry's hands and seemed to be possessed with a wave of unexpected fury. She hooted once more thunderously and began sharply pecking at Harry's ear.

"Ow! Hedwig! Stop!" Harry waved his arms up and quickly started pushing Hedwig's beak away before gingerly rubbing the top of his ear. "Its a letter to Sirius. You know he thinks you draw too much attention!"

Hedwig only hooted angrily once more before taking off in flight and hovering above Harry's head for a few seconds to stare narrow eyed at Hermes, who simply gulped and rubbed the side of his head sheepishly, before flapping her wings and gently perching herself in the far corner of the room nibbling at some stale owl feed laying nearby.

"That's one moody owl you've got there." Hermes commented offhandedly staring at Hedwig intently. "Ah! Ow...What was that for?" He later cried when Harry's elbow connected with his stomach forcefully.

"Don't. Say. Anything. About. Hedwig." Harry uttered threateningly as he rose onto his tip toes till his eyes were at length with Hermes and growled menacingly (in his opinion of course...Hermes however secretly found it adorable) in an attempt to scare him.

"Okay. Okay! Sheesh." Hermes yelled holding his hands up placarding. "Rude. No one respects me here. Can't say anything or I'll get elbowed." He whined quietly later huffing and crossing his arms at his chest.

"Good." Harry simply stuck his tongue out teasingly before turning around 180 degrees and strolling around gazing at the owls.

"Really is their son. There's no questioning where he got that childish temper from...." Hermes mumbled trailing of nervously when he noticed Harry looking at him with an eye brow raised.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all! Just tryna look out for ya mate" Hermes replied in a high pitched and very badly mimicked Scottish accent finishing off in highly strung quite giggles at the end but stopping when he noticed Harry's suspicious face. "It was Ron. You know? He sounds like that doesn't he..."

"You only do rubbish accents when your lying about something big. Something you really don't want people to know about. Like when you glued Athena's books together." Harry remarked taking steps towards Hermes.

"No! Of course not! I'm the God of Lies thank you very much!"

" Doesn't mean you're good at lying?"

Clutching his chest dramatically, Hermes sank to the floor onto his knees. "Oh how dare you? My poor can't take this...this blatant insulting of my talent." Hermes opened his mouth prepared to wail with agony dramatically when he felt a hand clamp over his mouth.

"Stop trying to change the subject. And don't do that wail. You'll give me a headache. I'll ask you again. What did you mean?" Harry asked kneeling down removing his hand from Hermes mouth and looking him in the eye.

"You have already tried that Harry Potter! Its wingardium Leviooosa not Leviosaa." Hermes said nervously in a even higher pitched and obnoxious voice as he tried to imitate Hermione. "Oh come on! That one was good!" he cried when Harry just stared at him unimpressed.

"See! You're hiding something and I intend to find out what it is. No matter what it takes." Harry leaned forward squinting at Hermes.

"Uhhh...well you see... I..." Hermes started anxiously rubbing the nape of his neck.

"Go on..." Harry bit his lip eagerly waiting.


Harry leaned forward in anticipation with his elbows touching the floor and his face nearing Hermes'.

" secretly really bad at accents!" Hermes finished laughing apprehensively. "Phew! Feels good to get that off of my chest." He commented rubbing his chest as he did.



"I just-you know what...never mind." Harry said as he slowly stumbled up and sighed. Shaking his head with a disappointed look, he gazed around the room. "Lets just find an owl." He remarked shrugging his shoulders.

"Um..yeah. Okay. Lets find an owl..."


In the end a tawny brown owl with a wide eyed look and a hot temper had been chosen. After a few minutes of quite consideration of course, curtesy of the silent treatment Harry had been giving Hermes ever since their 'talk'.

"Great!" Hermes said enthusiastically as he watched the brown owl take off in flight. "How long does it usually take for you to get a reply?"

Harry simply shrugged in response looking down and staring at his feet intently.

"I didn't do anything that bad! Why are you so mad at me?"

"Cause I thought you'd know something about my parents! Cause I thought you'd finally tell me the big scary secret you've been keeping ever since I met you guys and what the hell it had to do with me! Because there is something! I know there is! And I've been waiting forever for you guys to tell me. I'm tired of waiting. What's wrong? What's so big and scary that you can't say? What the hell have I done wrong?" Harry raged. He let out a breath and gulped down the lump forming in his throat. His eyes prickled and he found his surroundings blurring. A lone tear soon slipped down his face and he quickly wiped it.

"I-I..can't tell you Harry. I wish I could." Hermes whispered resigned. Kicking at the rock nearby his foot he sighed as he watched Harry shake his head with a look of betrayal on his face and run out of the owlery.

They had to tell him. They couldn't keep it a secret any longer.

The relationship they built with him wouldn't survive that long.


Hope you like the chapter! 22 coming soon!

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