Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson.

Chapter 4

A few days later he received his school list containing all his supplies needed for the classes he was going to take. One thing that he made sure to remain different from what people wanted was his grades. Instead of scraping acceptable and receiving dreadful and sometimes even troll like Ron, he made sure his grades were up to date always getting outstanding or in Potions, which was because of Snape, exceeding expectations. When choosing electives instead of listening to Ron and taking the minimal amount choosing the easiest like Care of Magical Creatures and Divination or listening to Hermione and taking almost all of them he settled on 4. Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Healing and Care of Magical Creatures. Only adding the 4th to appease the headmaster and Ron and dismiss their suspicions. He knew Dumbledore was frustrated when the goblins wouldn't let him in the Potter vaults. What he didn't know was that they told him about the transactions that he immediately stopped from ever happening in his 1st year and emancipated him. Something he deliberately tried to keep a secret. It didn't work because of obvious reasons. He refused to be controlled. He never honestly was. They didn't realise he was pretending, bidding his time so that he could wait till he was 17 and leave to America or even further away if needed.

Soon, after his birthday, which consisted of opening the careless presents he got from his so called 'friends' and continuing to act like the Dursley's personal slave after being given £1 because you don't turn 13 everyday, the Weasley's came to pick him up.

They of course had to come with a bang which involved blasting the fireplace and giving Dudley a toffee that made his tongue larger. He was sure he was going to pay for that one when he got back. They had disregarded his condition of course after he told them he and his cousin didn't get along that summer simply giving him a first aid kit before they left through the floo to where there portkey to the quidditch world cup was. He wasn't dumb. He knew that they could have healed him with a flick of their wands. Mrs Weasley especially. He heard she had a degree in healing and used to work at Saint Mungo's before settling down. At least Mr Weasley and the twins tried before promptly being told that Harry was fine by everyone.

After everything they soon all left and were now exploring their campsite after he managed to convince them to let him walk around by himself promising he wasn't going to wander far. Right now he was standing in front of the Weasley's tent because the twins had been acting suspicious around him all day and when everyone broke up in different directions they promptly dragged him here and told him to listen in.

Shaking his head, Harry muttered, "Ridiculous." at the thought of how they were acting. It seemed that they had figured out their families plan to use his fame and tell him. Maybe they did care. On second thought it was probably only because they believed in doing the right things. He soon heard two familiar voices whispering to each other from inside the tent. Craning his neck, he listened in to what was being said.

"Mummy!" said a whiny voice he recognised as Ginny's "When are we going to use the love potion on Harry?"

"Ginny honey, you know we have to wait until his sixth year. When we make sure Sirius dies he'll feel the most alone and then we can strike." another voice spoke in a motherly tone. Mrs Weasley, his mind supplied.

"Yeah! Ginny wait a few years, stop being so impatient. You'll get your share." his fake friend Ron spoke.

"Maybe we can kill him. You 'know after he leaves me with a child. Everyone would be saying 'Poor Mrs Potter' and we'd be the centre of attention!"

"Now, now Ginny. We have to wait. You know that. For now we just have to make do from the money Dumbledore is giving us from his vaults" he heard Mrs Weasley chastise. He felt a grin worm its way onto his face when he thought of where the money was actually coming from. Not that they knew. Dumbledore wouldn't risk them backing out when they found out any transactions from his account wouldn't be authorised from the goblins therefore wouldn't work The lemon drop loving coot was probably digging into his life savings to pay them.

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