Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson.

Chapter 6

After finding out there was a death eater attack in the middle of the night, Harry was on edge. His mind kept wandering back to the dream he had a few days ago. The mere thought of it sent shivers down his spine. The snake's hungry hisses, the blood curling screams, the sound of Peter Pettigrew's whimpering and quick shuffling and most of all that cold laughter. The same cold laughter he had become used to hearing whenever he remembered the way his parents died. His head hurt thinking about it. The fact that this attack happened the day after his dream certainly didn't help. The public certainly weren't faring any better.

The death eater attack had everyone panicked. They were terrified and rightly so. The ministry had put it off as some rouge death eaters that wanted revenge but no one bothered to listen.  They tuned out their long winded speeches and soothing words wanting to focus on the question that occupied their minds. Why now? Why didn't they strike earlier? And why at the Quidditch world cup of all things?

Suffice to say it was enough to bring doubts to the publics mind on just how reliable the ministry truly was.

After the attack, everyone had hastily packed their bags and fled, not wanting their families to be around the crime scene any longer. The buzz and the excitement of the Quidditch world cup had quickly faded into something else akin to panic. One by one, everyone left until the only people left on the sight were some braver and definitely more obsessive Quidditch fans who believed the matches would still go on, a couple of muggles and the ministry officials that were ordered to clean up the mess. 

After much convincing on the Olympians part, Harry had agreed to stay with them for the rest of the summer. 

To be honest, Harry was a bit relieved when they insisted he stay with them. He knew he wouldn't have been as welcome at the Weasleys considering everything that happened and neither did he want to be. After finding out the Weasleys plan and meeting the Olympians he realised he was only digging himself into a bigger hole by putting on his golden boy mask. A hole he wouldn't be able to climb out of. The Olympians gave him an excuse and a reason to be become himself again. And when he did it was exhilarating. 

So he agreed and packed up his bags. He told Fred and George who in return created a distraction and soon escaped. He sent regular letters to Draco and told him he was staying with the friends he met at the world cup.

He spent the rest of the summer with his new friends and enjoyed the bliss of finally being free, being with people who actually seemed to care. People he didn't have to pretend for. People that seemed to understand him. People that he unconsciously started calling his family without realising and made him feel like he could do anything. People that he started letting get past his stone barrier and made him forget the vow he made long ago to never trust again so they couldn't hurt him. People that he noted were part of his blessings in the morning.

When Harry heard their plan to attend Hogwarts as guests he sent Dumbledore a letter requesting he let them attend and to his delight his request was granted. He was delighted they would be with him at Hogwarts as well. He had grown attached to them. It was strange being with them almost made him feel at home. Like the book of Greek myths calmed him down, the Olympians made him feel welcome. 

Soon, the summer holidays ended and it was time for him to return to Hogwarts. He was excited to spend more time with the Olympians and see Draco, Fred and George. And for once he couldn't wait to act like himself.

"Harry, how do you get onto platform nine and three quarters?" Annabeth asked as she put on her coat and kissed her boyfriend Percy's cheek, much to her mothers dismay.  The Olympians were getting ready to go the train station.

"You have to walk between platform nine and 10."Harry replied in an off handed way. Seeing the concerned and bewildered looks he said, "I'll show you when we get there."

When they reached the train station they stood in front of the two platforms they had to some how get through and waited for Harry to explain. Harry grabbed Percy and Nico's hands and pulled them towards the wall.

"Just lean against the barrier with your trunks in your hands." Harry whispered to them.

The Olympians watched closely as the three boys leaned against the stone and disappeared into it with their luggage. Soon everyone joined them on the other side. Thalia and Percy gapped at the scarlet train while Nico began to grin excitedly at the prospect of boarding a train. He had never been on one before.

They boarded the train and found compartments The big three and their children all sat in a compartment together. Zeus sat next to the window while Poseidon and Hades sat opposite him. Nico, Thalia and Percy went to sit at their parents' feet when said parents dragged them into their laps. Harry who went and sat next to Zeus snickered at their expressions.

"What can't a dad hug his child?" Zeus asked as he ran his fingers through Thalia's hair.

The demigods noticed how weird they were acting and came to the same conclusion that it was because of Harry.

The train started moving and time passed peacefully. The big three would start fighting their kids would stop it. Harry sat in peace quietly sketching and writing in the notebook he had managed to convince Hagrid to get after much begging. The man was very insistent that Harry doesn't get anything that wasn't either on the list or requested by Dumbledore. It was a bit annoying at first but he worked around that quickly and went by himself to buy extra books.

Draco popped by later on to check on Harry and see how he was faring with the Olympians. He also delivered Harry a letter from his parents who wanted to check on Harry and tell him about some books that would help him with his electives. After a few minutes he left and everything went back to being peaceful. It was of course ruined when Ron came barging in.

"Mate! Where have you been? Me and Hermione have been looking for you everywhere!" He said looking around the compartment.

" You have been looking for him, huh?" Hades said, " So why have you past this compartment three times?"

Ron's face went bright red and said, " Come on mate. Its crowded here and you don't want to sit with these losers."

"I want to sit with my real friends and its not crowed here. The only real loser I see is you." Harry replied as he pushed Ron out and shut the door with a slam while locking it. 

The demigods beamed at Harry with wide smiles, happy that he thinks so high of them and Harry found himself smiling back. The rest of the train ride went with out a hitch. Ron, Hermione and Ginny didn't show their faces and he was content to keep to himself. The carriage ride was just as peaceful. Harry looked at the occupants, the same people who sat on him with the train.

"So what do you think of Hogwarts?" Harry asked his new family

"I've seen bigger." came the reply.

Harry nodded. " I should warn you thought.  The stairs move, the portraits talk, there are trick doors and trick stairs and then there is Peeves the Poltergeist who harasses the entire school."

"Nothing we couldn't handle." The demigods and Gods said smirking as the carriage came to a stop.  

Harry Potter, son of the big three: The invisible boy beneath the maskWhere stories live. Discover now