Chapter 18

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. All credits belong to the authors.

Chapter 18

Harry's green eyes blinked open. He stared up at the white marble ceiling and stone rafters making a crisscross design. Sunlight flickered through the thick blood red curtains landing on the softly on the silky red sheets. The navy blue carpet looked to be centuries old and worn thin from overuse. The walls were made of marble and the windows were ceiling high like the ones you might see in a gothic environment or an old fashioned castle. There were no portraits in the room but there was a large fireplace with a ferocious green fire burning inside. Yeah...this definitely wasn't the Gryffindor common room.

Harry got up and searched for his glasses to find them on an oak bedside table. He put them on and looked around. There was a bookshelf full of books written in Greek and oddly Harry could read the titles. There were some of the worlds oldest classic books to books he had never even heard of before and doubted any one had. A chest was at the end of the bed and a wardrobe with all his school robes inside. However, there seemed to be a special glow coming from the red and gold cuffs as if it wasn't normal thread. A closed door led to the bathroom and a girl sat near the fire poking it-

Wait. Harry looked at the girl and blinked several times. Was he still dreaming? He felt groggy and strange as if he was in between the land of the living and the land of dreams. Harry moved forward slowly. He felt sluggish, as if he was walking in deep quicksand. That settled it. He was dreaming.

The girl sitting near the fire had dark auburn hair that fell to her shoulders in curls. She looked to be no older then 12 and gave off an aura of warmth. Her head whipped round to face him and her curls bounced and flew before falling back to her shoulders. Amber and brown eyes stared at him in warmth. A warmth that made Harry feel like he was in a cosy and warm home. A feeling he had never felt before. Hogwarts was never home. It was more like a pathetic farce of one that his mind tried to mould into something it was far from to make him feel that he was accepted somewhere. was a home for someone else. A person he barely knew yet pretended to be whenever he step foot in the castle. Yet, it was far better then the Dursleys ever was.

"Where am I?... What are you doing?" Harry asked tilting his head in confusion

The girl poked the green flames once again making more sparks shoot out and dance through the air. "Taking care of the hearth." she answered. Her voice was warm and soothing. Like the type you would hear in a lullaby. Only warmer and softer. A faint crackling sound echoed under her voice almost as if her voice held a flame within. But it was impossible. It must have been the fire nearby. Harry ignored the fact that the flames were burning silently and soundlessly. In fact, he couldn't hear anything. It was as if the world had stopped and the two were the only things awake.

The girl stood up and walked towards Harry. Her presence alone washed away and fear and doubts that he ever had and left him feeling lighter. She poked him in the chest with her stick and said to him quietly, "No matter what happens. Remember, you will always find your hearth and home here."

From the spot she poked him, warmth blossomed like a flower in spring. Then with a breath of fresh air, she was gone taking the green flames with her. Embers glowed in the fireplace like jewels. The odour of warm cookies and burning leaves filled the air. Harry took a deep breath. The smell was familiar for some reason. Shaking his head, he pinched his arm slightly. 

The girls presence had been comforting. Like she could make every worry or fear he ever felt. But now that she was gone, the room didn't settle as well for him. The air was chilly and slightly bitter without the fire to keep it warm and crispy. 

Harry Potter, son of the big three: The invisible boy beneath the maskWhere stories live. Discover now