Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson.

Everyone jumped off the carriages as they arrived at Hogwarts. The tried to shield themselves from the rain by covering their heads with their arms. They dashed up to Hogwarts with their heads down and only looked up once they were in the bewitching castle. Harry looked at the others when they were inside the carnivorous  entrance. Torchlight danced across their faces as they looked at the moving stairs. Harry smiled but his expression soon turned to annoyance as the shadows danced across his face.

His source of annoyance was Ron Weasley who decided it would be a good idea to stand next to Harry and shook his head splashing him with water,

"Blimey!" Ron said in a voice that grated the Olympians nerves, "If that keeps us the lakes going to overflow. I'm soaking - AARGH!"

A red water balloon had hit him on the head sending cold water cascading down his already wet body. Ron spluttered and fell side ways intending to lean on Harry who simply jumped ahead and walked towards Hades laughing. From his place next to Hades, a water balloon narrowly missed Nico and hit Harry's feet instead.

Soon chaos broke out as students pushed and shoved each other trying to get out of the way so they didn't get hit. The Olympians quickly summoned umbrellas and held it above covering themselves and their children. Harry seeing a shadow fall on him looked up to find an umbrella held by Hades sheltering him and Nico from the projectiles. Harry smiled, a question reflecting in his eyes. "Magic" Hades whispered.

Harry nodded and looked at all the other Olympians under their different coloured umbrellas. Annabeth and Athena were under a silver umbrella while Ares and Clarisse were under a blood red one with a spear tip. Aphrodite and Silena were under a heart shaped, sparkly red umbrella.

Beckendorf and Hephaestus were under a semimetal umbrella. ' Isn't that dangerous?' Harry thought as he allowed his eyes to roam. Dionysus , Pollux and Castor were under a purple umbrella with vines growing from the centre then spilled over on the sides with grapes dangling of them. It made it look like a grape plant with legs. Apollo and Will stood under a sun like umbrella but seemed content to be dry. Artemis was under a moon like umbrella near Apollo.

Demeter and Persephone stood under a plant woven umbrella while Hera stood next to Zeus and Thalia under a storm cloud umbrella with lightning flashing and a diamond ring used for marriages on the tip. Poseidon and Percy were under a sea styled umbrella with fish swimming over it and had a strong sense of the sea radiating over it.

Harry looked closely at the umbrella he was under. It had bronze highlights at the end of it and scenes of people turning into wispy smoke and what looked like ghosts and souls trying to escape swirling around. Harry looked at the handle in Hades' hands. It was bones of a human hand curled up like it was cupping something. Harry was dragged out from his observation by Professor McGonagall who banished peeves and rounded everyone up before they walked into the candle lit great hall.

The big three with their wives and children walked to the Gryffindor table with Harry. Harry saw Artemis, Athena and Annabeth sat at the Ravenclaw table with Luna who had visited Harry over the Holidays and the three had connected almost instantly. Dionysus sat with Castor and Pollux, Demeter and her daughter at the Hufflepuff table with Neville(he had made more friends in Hufflepuff and started sitting there) who had also visited and connected with them over plants. Unknown to everyone but Demeter and Katie, Neville was a legacy from his mother. Ares and Clarisse sat on the other end of the Gryffindor table much to Percy's relief. Everyone else sat in various different areas some even opting to sit at the Slytherin table with Draco(Aphrodite and Silena). Draco was also one of Aphrodite's legacies from one of her past affairs and she really cared about him. Hermes and his twins sat with Fred and George discussing pranks making everyone shuffle away.

Harry Potter, son of the big three: The invisible boy beneath the maskWhere stories live. Discover now