Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson

Chapter 1

Several years had passed since Harry was kidnapped. His life became harder and he still had no idea who his parents were, still accepting the lie that his parents were Lily and James Potter. 

When Harry found out he was a wizard he was ecstatic and accepted eagerly. Each year he does more death defying stunts and has more adventures. In everyone else's eyes he was the perfect golden boy. What they didn't know was that Harry had powers he knew weren't normal even in the eyes of the wizarding world.

When he was younger he used to be able to do other things alongside his accidental magic. Things he could actually control and practise without much concentration. He could breath underwater, control shadows and lightning. Things he knew weren't normal. After finding out he was a wizard he figured it explained everything but it didn't When he went into the wizarding world he quickly learned no one could do magic without a wand and how truly biased and uneducated wizards were. They like muggles, when didn't get something turned to violence. He  hid his secret abilities away. He did have a few mishaps but no one payed attention. He didn't mind. He hated standing out. That was why he acted like the perfect Gryffindor hero. 

Nearly Headless Nick however kept an eye on him in secret. He would start up conversations just to examine him closer to try and confirm if he was the missing son of the Greek Gods. When Harry reluctantly confided in him about his powers after much persuasion his suspicions were confirmed. Harry was the lost son of the big three. As Harry prepared for the holidays Nick always noticed how subdued he seemed. It bothered him how Harry always seemed like he was acting. Surely no one dared to mistreat him right? Waving goodbye he headed to the underworld. Opening his eyes he found himself in the throne room.

"Nick. It has been a long time. How are things in the wizarding world. Have you met my son Nico?" Hades asked gesturing to the boy sitting as his feet.

They had the same hair and eyes but couldn't help  but noticed he looked more like his mother than his father. Greeting the boy softly he focused his attention back on his master.

"Hello Lord Hades. Things in the wizarding world are better. The dark lord Voldemort was defeated 12 years ago by a boy called Harry Potter. However I do not think he is a normal wizard." Nick replied wondering how to explain everything.

Hades and Nico looked at him curiously. Hades heaved a sigh and said, "I didn't think Voldemort was defeated completely."

Nick nodded. "I don't think he is too, however the boy harry.." he trailed off hesitantly.

"Spit it out already! "Hades hissed getting impatient. 

"Harryisyourson!" Nick blurted out in a hurry.

"What?" Nico asked curiously

"Harry is your son Lord Hades." Nick repeated slower. 

Hades paled. He looked at the ghost immediately to see if he was lying and when came to the conclusion he wasn't took a shaky sigh and got up fishing a drachma out of his pocket. He speedily walked to the fountain at the end of the room. Nico looked confused and rapidly fired questions on who he was.

"Dad. Who's Harry? Do I have a brother? What's going on?" Nico asked quickly.

Ignoring him, Hades turned to the fountain and Iris Messaged his brother, Zeus. Immediately the god of thunder's face appeared in the mist. His black and grey hair with electric blue eyes. His face was tired and he looked stressed. 

"Thalia, Hera stop fighting! I don't care who did it!" Zeus shouted clearly looking agitated. Hades and Nico raised their eyebrows staring at the water amused.

Zeus laughed nervously. "Never mind that. What did you need Hades?"

"Zeus brother, I need to come to Olympus! Its urgent!" Hades responded hastily

"Why do you need that? Surely it can wait till the winter solstice? "Zeus questioned.

"Its about Harry!" Hades interrupted. That got Zeus's attention. His head snapped up and he started at his brother.

"Come quickly and bring your son. We don't have time to waste!" Zeus responded quickly before cutting the connection and calling the other Olympians.

Hades turned to Nico and shadow travelled him to Olympus cutting off any questions. When they got there the 12 Olympians and some of their children were in the room while Nick stood in the middle. Hades hurried to his throne and Nico sat confused at his feet. The demigods silently conveyed questioning looks at each other only to receive blank ones in return. Zeus motioned to Hades to tell him everything and Hades turned to Nick and commanded him to tell them everything. As he opened his mouth he was interrupted by Nico.

"What's going on here? "he screamed.

"Some time ago, we created a child out of all three of our blood. We all loved him. However he was kidnapped on his 2nd birthday. "Hades replied calmly before turning his attention back to Nick. Nick nodded and continued the story on from there adding what he found out.

"...So that's why I think he is your son." Nick finished

"How do you know its him? Are you completely sure? "Hera asked with a spark of hope in her eyes. 

"Why don't we go to Hogwarts ourselves and find out?" Percy butted in. All the Gods nodding in agreement.

"And since your training us we could come to." Thalia added.

"Yeah it's only fair if we get to know our brother properly and any other gods can join!" Nico inputted. 

The gods all made murmurs of agreement. They would find harry and see some of their demigod children that studied at Hogwarts with him.

After some discussion, it was decided that they along with Persephone, Amphitrite and Triton would go to Hogwarts.

Harry Potter, son of the big three: The invisible boy beneath the maskWhere stories live. Discover now