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"Shall we all rise as she choir proceed", the priest said.
They all got up and begun to sing the hymn as she choir proceeded .
"Where's Jane, she's taking too long. I hope everything goes on well. Finally all my dreams will come true today. The gates of Alexander will Open and all this will be mine", Scarlet thought as the hymnal songs played

The transporter pulled over infront of the church.
"Here you go princess" he said as he opened the door.
Jane got out of it with his help. "So you're going to become Queen today", he said.
"Yes I am . In a few minutes I'll be the new Queen", Jane replied. "That's amazing. I actually have something for you", he said.
"What's it?", Jane asked.
"Oh.. where will the surprise be if I spill it now. Just wait and see", he added.
"You seem strange to be a mere engineer. It's like you know me very well. Since the ride here you've been acting off. What's up with you", Jane asked. "That's not important let's get in. Your coronation awaits", he added with a grin.

"There you are my dear", Scarlet said as she emerged from the church. "Let's get going. Everyone awaits", she said as she fitted Jane's arm beneath her elbow.
They walked majestically to the podium. The whole church roared with applause as the walked to the alter.

"Good morning citizens of Xander. As you all know we're here today to crown our princess Jane the new Queen of Xander. It is an honour for me to do this handling over. We pray that she'll be a good leader just like her mother and complete what her mum left off", the priest said. "We'll now call the queen of Xander Scarlet to do the handling over" he added.
The whole church roared with applause

Scarlet walked slowly to the alter.
"It is an honour for me to pass on the torch to my one and only daughter Jane, to become the queen of Xander. She's going to do what I started and even do more. So without further time wasting, I crown you Jane the new Queen of Xa.............",    "Hold it right there!!!", a voice shouted as the door barged off.

Everyone turned to look at the opposition.
To Scarlet and RK's greatest surprise, it was Mara, Jane's real mother

"Not another word from you Scarlet. Today all your evil deeds has come to an end", She shouted.
Most of the people who knew her begun to recognize her as the formal queen of Xander.
"Is that Queen Mara??. I thought she died", the crowd whispered among themselves.

"W-what a-re you doing here", Scarlet asked..
"What's going on here mum?. who's that?", Jane asked.

Mara walked slowly to Jane as she wept bitterly. "My daughter", she said.
"Your daughter?", Jane asked. "Who are you?.  Wait I recognize you. You're that woman who has been calling me in my sleep. Who are you?", Jane asked.
"I am your real mother Jane. This imposter right here is not related to you. She's a murderer!", Mara yelled

"What do you mean I'm a murderer. She's lying. Guards arrest this woman", Scarlet yelled.

"Not so fast Scarlet", the engineer who brought the transporter shouted at the back.
Everyone cleared the way as he made his way forward.
He came standing straight at Scarlet.
"Remember me Scarlet?", he said.
"Of course I do. You're the engineer from before", Scarlet said.
"Ohh I'm so sorry. Maybe I should give you more clues", he said as he took of his glasses and this hat.

"C-c-chriss??", Jane stammered.
"Yes Jane, it is I . I'm back", he said.
"This can't be. How did you survive!", Scarlet asked.
"Ohh poor you. Do you remember I told you that you'll pay for everything you did. Well the time is now. You're going to pay for the death of my mum. I'll make sure you rot in hell!", Chris yelled.

"What are you saying Chris?", Jane asked still shocked.
"You heard me right Jane. This woman right here killed my mother!", he yelled.

"No no You're lying. It's not true they're all lies. They just want to ruin this occasion", Scarlet said.
"Shut up!", Mara yelled as she slapped Scarlet in the face.

She pulled out a brown envelope from her purse. "Remember this Scarlet?", she asked.

"Oh no!, that's the evidence Scarlet was after for years. Everything is ruined now. We're doomed", King RK said to himself.

Mara handed the DVD to Chris. He then walked to the player and started to play the video.

"Wait you know her?", Jane asked Chris.
"Oh yes, mum told me about her before she died. I found her and got her ready just for today", Chris replied.

The video played for minutes as everyone looked on in horror.
They watch as Scarlet torture Mara and drug her. It also shows all the Evil she planned with RK. It also show all the confessing Scarlet did whiles maltreating Mara.

"Where did you find this?", Scarlet asked
"Oh you might be wondering where I got this. Well my husband hid this in the very place you wouldn't find. Do you remember your dad told you there are many secrets hidden in they keys of the piano?", Mara asked Jane .
"Y-yes, I remember. But how do you know all this?", Jane asked.
"Because I'm your mother Jane I gave birth to you. Scarlet took everything away from me and killed your father. My husband.
The only reason why Scarlet wants you to become Queen is because she can't open the gates alone. She wants you to do it. She wants to use you after that she'll kill you just like she killed your dad!", Mara said.

"Oh no! All my secrets are out now. What do I do?", she thought.
"There's no where for you to hide Scarlet. You're doomed", Chris said.
"Well if I don't rule everything then no one would!", Scarlet said as she pulled a gun from her sleeves. She aims at Jane and fires.
"Look out!", Chris shouted as he pushed Scarlet hand. The shot redirects and land on RK instead.
"Oh no!", Scarlet gasped as RK fell to the ground.
Everyone's attention moves to him.
With the distracted crowd, Scarlet sneaked behind the door and moves upstairs.

"Oh no Scarlet not today", Chris said as he followed her.
"Chris!!", Jane yelled.
Chris followed Scarlet all the way to the roof of the church.
"It's over Scarlet. There's no where to run. All your deeds are now over", Chris said as he pointed a gun straight at Scarlet

"You're wrong you bastard. This has just started ", Scarlet said as she pointed the gun to him.

"You and your mum took everything away from me. Now I'll kill you", Scarlet said as she moved back towards the edge.

"Scarlet hold it right there", Chris said.
"There's no way I'll let you bastard kill me. I'll kill myself!", she said.

With this she shot herself in the head and came falling down the building

"This is where your evil deeds has lead you. Your soul will perish in hell", Chris said as he looked down at Scarlet body.


"Hurry up mum, were getting late", Jane said as she packed the bags in the car.
"I can't believe we're going back to Ghana. I've really missed home", Mara said.
"Yes mum. We're finally going home", Jane replied as they hug each other.

"Hey mother and daughter sorry I'm late", Chris said as he showed up.
"Hey Chris, are you ready for the trip?", Jane asked
"Of course I am. Let's get going", Chris replied.
"You're forgetting something Ms Jane I brought something for you", Chris said.
"What's that?", Jane asked
Chris brought out a case from his pockets and opened it

"Will you marry me Jane?", he asked.
Jane gasped as Mara clapped behind them
"Yes yes I do!", Jane yelled as they kissed



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