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"what's taking them so long?", Chris asked the sheriff.
"Don't worry, they'll be here any minute from now. You just have to calm down", the sheriff replied.
"How do you expect me to calm down sheriff?, my mum is there stranded in an bombs which could explode anytime and you expect me to just relax?, Chris said furiously

"It's okay Chris don't worry. Everything will be fine. Just hold on", Jane said as she patted him

Scarlet took of her coat and tossed it to the back seat. "That was so close RK, if you hadn't been there on time, I would have been caught red handed", She said.
"Don't worry Scarlet, I have been the very person who takes you out when you get yourself into trouble. You always act without thinking. You do everything so carelessly. If I hadn't stopped the brawl between you and Mara, you would have killed her and the cops would have caught you right on the scene.  You sometimes do something I barley understand", king RK replied.
"Whatever RK, just because I made a small mistake doesn't mean you can talk to me anyhow", Scarlet replied.
"You call that a small mistake?. What if someone had saw you. What if your daughter saw you there?.  Would that have been a small problem?", King RK asked
"Whatever", Scarlet replied
Just then, they saw a red siren approached them from a distance.
"What's that?", Scarlet asked with fright.
"Oh don't worry Scarlet. That's not the cops. You have nothing to worry about. That's the local bomb squad. They're going to fix the mess you created", RK replied.
"No no this is bad. We can't let that happen. We can't let them save Anna!", Scarlet yelled.
"Why not?. Aren't you fed up with this killing streak you've started?", RK asked
"You don't understand RK , that maid knows a lot about me now. If she survives then we'll be ruined!", Scarlet replied. "We must do something now"

"Okay fine whatever. I can't believe I'm about to help you again", RK said as he opened a safe behind his seat. He brought out a long rifle.
"Hope you know how to use it?", he asked
"Of course I know. What do you take me for?", Scarlet replied as she took it.
"Locked and loaded", She said.
"Now listen Scarlet you don't have to kill anyone, just take out the tires so they won't be able to move. That's all",
"That's the difficult thing about being a killer my dear", Scarlet said as she aimed for the van. "Mercy is not and option", with this, she fired the bullet right through the windshield and right through the driver's head. The driver lost control of the steering wheel s. Those at the back had no idea what was going on till the tires begun to screech. The car summersaulted and flew into the ditch. Few seconds later, it exploded.
"You always say I do things carelessly. There you go. I did I clean job", Scarlet said.
"You're really something else Scarlet", RK replied.

.......THE END


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