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"I'm off now mum, I can't keep Jane waiting",Chris said as he took his jacket. "Be careful my son,and come home early",Anna replied as she kissed Chris on the cheeks. Chris opened the door and made his way out to the beach.

Chris arrived at the beach at exactly 8. He made sure all the arrangements were ready. The flowers, the music and the lights. Everything was set for Jane.

"Our children will really get along King RK", Scarlet said. "I hope so Queen Scarlet, my son is really interested in your daughter. Once everything is set, we'll have the arrangements for the wedding in no time". "Let's see how that little brat get Jane to Love him now". Scarlet said to herself.

It's been an hour know and Jane hadn't still showed up. "Where was she?", Chris wondered. The music band had been playing for hours and were almost exhausted. Still there was no sign of Jane. He called her several times but no answer. He sent her a text after many failed attempts to reach her.

Hey Jane where are you?. I've been here over an hour and you still haven't showed up. Please I'm waiting for you

Scarlet by chance sees Jane's phone ringing on the table. She walks over and takes it. "oh hey it's that bastard. I guess he's waiting for Jane. Ohh poor guy. She ain't coming dear. You're going to wait till thy kingdom come". Scarlet said to herself. She replies the text as Jane.

Will you stop bothering me. I won't be able to come. I'm having the best time with my prince and I have no time for you. Don't call me again.

Scarlet smiled as she sent the text. "I can't wait to see how he reacts after seeing that", she said as she deletes the text from Jane's phone. "So I was saying Queen Scarlet, after our families have united, I'd like us to extend our empire. We all know how big and prosperous Xander has become over the years. I want us to share our prosperity with the rest of the nations. What do you think", King RK asked. "I think it's a pretty good idea. I've always wanted to extend our lands. I've always dreamt of bringing the smaller nations under our rule. And now that you have brought that up, I'm starting to enjoy it already", Scarlet replied. "But it's not going to be easy. The other nations are very strong. We'll need more than just our armies combined to capture their administration", King RK said. " Don't worry about that. Leave that to me. Once the great gates of Alexander is opened, all the other nations will bow down to Xander", Scarlet said as she got up. "Let's make a toast to our upcoming victory", Scarlet said as they clinged their glasses.

Chris couldn't believe his eyes as he read the text. He was shocked that Jane could do that to him. "I'm so stupid to think she loved me!", he yelled as he threw the phone into the ocean. " Mum was right all along. How could I get my hopes high on Jane!", he cried

"It was so great to hang out with you Jane", Prince George said. "Yeah me too", Jane replied. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, oh look you even skipped your appointment for me", he said with a smile. Jane was stunned. "Oh no Chris"!

To be continued.....

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