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"Good morning", Anna greeted the guard. It was half past six in the morning and she was already late for work. She walked very fast as she got to the main cortex. After yesterday's incidence she didn't want anything to do with the Queen and that too now that she's late. "Hold it right there", Queen Scarlet said.  "Oh no", Anna said to herself. "So, you're here after all. I thought you wouldn't show up. Your son kidnapped my daughter yesterday and you still had the guts to come here this morning." "I'm sorry your highness but the princess is not a child. She knows what she's doing perfectly well. My son did not kidnap her". "Will you shut up over there", Scarlet said as she slapped Anna. "Come here you little rag, I'll teach you a lesson",she said as she dragged Anna through the hallway.  "Mum?",Jane said behind them. "What are you doing?",she asked. "This good for nothing maid disrespected me", Scarlet replied. "But it doesn't mean you should treat her this way", Jane said as she run to Anna's aid. "Get out of my sight", Scarlet said as she pushed Anna out of the way.
"I'm so sorry Anna", Jane said as she helped her get up. "Thank you Princess",Anna replied.  "I'm really sorry for mum's behaviour. She sometimes act abnormally when she's upset",Jane said. "It's okay princess don't worry about it",Anna said as she carried her bag on the floor and continued to the kitchen.

"What do you mean she slapped my mum?!", Chris said furiously as Jane narrated the incidence to him. "When I came I saw her dragging your mum to God knows where.", Jane said. "I'm coming over", Chris said again almost angry this time. "Oh now Chris,you can't. Mum is already mad at you for going out with me yesterday and if you come here angry it might not end well",Jane pleaded . "I don't care Jane, she just slapped my mom and I'm not taking that easy", Chris said as he hung up. "oh God what have I done why did I even tell him",Jane said. "Now he's going to get himself into trouble with my mum. I have to do something about it".

"I can't believe the queen was able to do something like that",Mary said. She was the assistant head of the maids. "I know why she's doing this. She wants something to hate me for but I'm not giving her any reason. She can assault me as long as she wants but I won't mind her",Anna replied. "What about your son, what is he going to do when he hears this?", Mary asked. "He won't find out and I don't want him too. If he finds out the queen assaulted me he'll be here causing a scene. He dislikes the queen as much as the queen dislikes him. But I'm not telling him for his safety", "Mom! Mom!", a voice shouted from downstairs.  Mary runs to the window and peeps through. "Oh no Anna it's Chris and he doesn't look happy. Looks like the boy found out." Chris scouts around the place looking for his mom . "I'm sorry sir you can't just walk in like this", the guard said as he followed Chris briskly. "Chris finally opens one door and sees the queen sitting there with her back facing the door. " I'm sorry your highness I tried to stop him",the guard said. The queen raised her hand signaling the guard to go. She finally turns and face Chris. "So you finally had the guts to face me", Scarlet said with a smile. Chris looked very angry like his blood was boiling. "You see people like you are very stubborn. You don't know what to do and what not to do. I had a Similar issue recently but I dealt with it as soon as I could. But I like your Bravery Mr. Johnson. Nobody has ever had the courage to walk onto me like this. So I'll give you the chance to bring your appeal before your queen ", Scarlet said. "You're not my Queen. And I'm not here to acknowledge you or something. I came here to tell you to stay away from my mom.",Chris replied . Scarlet broke into laughter as Chris spoke. "Touching. So the son steps in for his mother. Interesting. You're here in my place,my kingdom, my Territory and you had no sensible thing to say than to threaten me?", Scarlet said. "I'm not threatening you, but you can consider this a warning", Chris replied. "Oh I see. Interesting. You think you're so brave. You can't even tell Jane you love her and you're here making empty threats. "How did you"...  "Oh please", Scarlet cut Chris off before he could finish. "That is one of your most undermining secrets I've uncovered. But have you asked yourself why you can't tell her?. Because you know perfectly well that she'll reject you. She'll never accept a nobody like you. That's why you're finding it difficult to tell her."Scarlet said. "Oh so that's what you think. Well then you don't know your daughter well. Jane has a heart. She's not as cold as you. I know she also loves me and one day we'll be together", Chris replied. Scarlet breaks into laughter again. "You're hilarious. I can't believe you think the queen of this beautiful kingdom likes no other prince or emperor but you. If you're close to my daughter it only means she's using you and nothing else.", Scarlet Said

"Oh God I hope my son is okay. He hasn't come here since he entered the queen's lair",Anna sobbed. "What did you just say?", Jane said behind them. "Is Chris here?",she asked. She looked on as tears dropped from Anna's eye's. Jane rushes downstairs for her mum's lair.

"The only way you can separate us is by killing me. And I'm here in your palace with no defence at all so why don't you go ahead and do it!, Chris yelled. "Oh you think I don't want to?", Scarlet replied. "I would love to see that but it won't be a fair win. I want you to fight Chris. I Love to see hereos fall and never gets back up. And if you haven't realized it yet I'm telling you now. I hate you. If I'm not careful you'll get in my way", Scarlet said. "In your way, what does that mean", Chris asked. "You're not ready to know that yet", Scarlet replied. "But you're going to prove something me Mr Johnson. I want to see if your love for Jane is real. I'm going to put you to a test and if you're able to complete that task then I'll be convinced you love my daughter. "What is it?", Chris asked. "Oh no I can't tell you. It won't be fun anymore.", Scarlet replied as she smiled. "Just expect anything as far as I'm concerned",she added. "So this is how we begin whatever twisted game you've planned", Chris said. "No Mr Johnson, you've already lost and you never even realized it. Good luck", Scarlet replied. Immediately the door swung open and Jane walks in.

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