Chapter 17

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Anna peeped through the window to make sure no one was passing. She gently opened the door and made her way out quietly. She removed her slippers and hid them behind the flower vase and started to walk towards the exit. 

"I've got to find her. She's here somewhere", Chris said as he went down the same path Anna was using. Just about minutes later, he heard someone approaching. "Oh no. It might be the guards. I can't let them find me", Chris said as he dashed into the flower room. Just then Anna passed by in a hurry because she wanted to make it to the gate before someone found her. After the footsteps were long gone, Chris came out of his hiding place. He took a deep breath and headed east.

"what took you so long to get here? ", Scarlet asked furiously". "sorry my queen. We got here as fast as we could", the first guy replied. "Is this how you plan to work with me?, remember you owe me your lives. And I always take what I'm owed",Scarlet said." we're sorry Queen Scarlet, it won't happen again", they said as they bowed. "oh very little well", Scarlet said as she yawned. "this is her. Find her for me. And once you do take her to the old Trafford farmhouse and call me", Scarlet said. "As you wish your highness", they replied as they took off.
"now there is no place left for you to run dear Anna", Scarlet laughed.

Chris managed to enter the main lobby without getting noticed. "Now where could she be hiding my mom?", he thought. "Oh yeah right. I remember mom saying something about the library. I'm sure that's where she is keeping her", Chris said as he moved on.

"This is it", he said as he entered the library. He begun to search around for any clue or evidence.

"what were you thinking Anna?, you thought I'd let you escape so easily?, just wait until I get my grasp on on you again. It will surely be your last", Scarlet said as she headed for the library.

Anna run as fast as her two feet could carry her. The night was cold and she started to feel pain in her legs after she walked barefooted. "what do I do now. Where do I go?", she thought as tears run down her face. Just then, the head lights of a moving van hit her eyes. "there she is!", a voice shouted from the van. Anna took to her heels as the van approached

Chris continued his search with little or no idea that Scarlet was moments away from entering. Just before she could turn the knob and enter, a maid servant called her, "Your highness", she said. "what is it?", Scarlet asked without turning. "you have a call. It's from the district office", she said. "put it on hold. I'll call in the morning", she replied. She opened the door and entered

Anna run as fast as she could. "come on grab her!", the first guy said. "it doesn't look as easy as it does. She's too fast", the second guy replied. "you're both idiots", the third guy said as he brought out a gun. "Wait don't kill her. The queen wants her alive", the second guy said. "shut up and watch", he replied. He aimed for Anna's hand and took the shot. She fell to her feet and yelled in agony. "now you can grab her"

Scarlet closed all the windows and was about to open her secret room. Just before she could do that, her phone rung. "You got her? Good job. I'll meet you at the farmhouse", she said as she exited the room.
"the farmhouse, that must be where mum is", Chris said. He carefully got out and made his way out

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