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"I still don't get this Jane", Chris said as he brought the cup of tea. "I'm equally surprised as you Chris. I don't know what happened", Jane replied. "So if I didn't see you as you were passing God knows what would have happened to you", Chris said as he passed the tea to Jane. "Thank you so much Chris. I owe you a lot", Jane replied. "Don't worry Jane, just take the tea and you'll fell a lot better" he said. "But I don't understand one thing, you said you heard someone calling you. Who was it?", Chris asked. "I have no idea who she was. She just kept on calling my name as if she knew me personally", Jane replied. "That's strange", Chris said.
"It is strange!",a voice said behind them. It was Scarlet. "It really is strange. How can you bring my daughter in this rat hole to spend the night", she said. "Mum, what are you doing here", Jane asked. "I should be asking you that question Jane. What are you doing here. This time you have really brought yourself lower than expected. How can a soon to be Queen of Xander spend the night in a filthy place like this. Come on we're going home", Scarlet said. The servants came in and helped Jane get up. "I'll see you later Chris and thanks for everything", Jane said as she got out.
"You really have time for unnecessary stuff. Shouldn't you be worried about finding your mum?", Scarlet asked. "I know you have my mum. And I'll do whatever it takes to get her back", Chris said. "I wouldn't be too sure about that young man. If I really have your mum as you're saying then I'd kill her by now", Scarlet replied. "You should do a lot better than just petty empty threats if you want to find your mother. Good luck anyway", Scarlet said as she opened the door

"What happened to you my darling. Why did you go out in the middle of the night?", Scarlet asked. "I don't know what happened mum. Before I realized, I was already walking like a puppet. And I also heard someone calling me like her daughter", Jane said. Scarlet is shocked as she heard what Jane said. "What woman was that?", Scarlet asked slowly. "I don't know mum. I don't know who she was. But it felt like she knew me personally. Her voice it sounded so familiar", Jane said. "Pay no attention to that my daughter it was nothing just a nightmare", Scarlet replied. "And Chris also said I was about to be kidnapped by some group of boys near the cafeteria", Jane said to her mum. "Oh I see. I know those boys. Don't worry I'll take care of them", Scarlet said as the car entered the palace. "Take her inside and make sure she freshens up. And find something for her to eat", Scarlet said.

"I'm not just going to sit here and watch my mum suffer at the hand of Scarlet. I have to find her before something bad happened", Chris said as he got up. He went to the shelf and started picking equipments. "Scarlet is Rich. But she's not smart. If I want to infiltrate her then I need a plan or else underestimating her will not end well for me", he said.

Scarlet walked through the woods with her guards behind her. She walked to a closed placed which looked abandoned for years because the place was full of cobwebs. "I knew I'd find you thugs here", She said as she stamp her leg on the table. "Oh your highness. To what do we owe this pleasure", the first guy asked. "Oh actually this isn't a pleasant visit at all. I'm here because you idiots tried to kidnap my daughter. The next queen of Xander. How could you", Scarlet said as she pulled a fan out of her purse. "Oh your highness we're so sorry. We didn't know it was your daughter please forgive us", they pleaded. "Oh very well. Today I'm in a good mood so I'll have mercy. Instead of killing you and your family, I'll just have mercy and kill just you", Scarlet said. "Oh no your highness please spare us and we'll do anything in return", they said as they went on their knees. "Mm why don't I keep these three to do my dirty work for me. It will be much easier", Scarlet said to herself. "Okay fine I'll let you go. But on one condition. You now owe your loyalty to me apart from being my subjects", Scarlet said. "Yes your highness anything for you", the first guy replied. "Good", Scarlet said as she signalled her guards to let go of them.
"Let's head home now. I believe this thugs here have learnt their lesson", Scarlet said as she entered her car.

Chris came to the palace. "If the queen will hold anyone hostage, it will be in her house. Mum is got to be in there", he said. He made sure nobody was watching as he carefully sneaked through the back door.

Back in the library, Anna struggled to loose the ropes that was binding her hands. Her struggle finally yielded as the ropes loosened. She got up slowly and untied the scarf on her mouth. She wore her slippers and made her way out of the room. Slowly and carefully, she managed to exit the library and into the main hall.

Scarlet came walking right after Anna dashed to the main hall. Unaware of what had happened, she opened the door and to her great surprise Anna was gone. "Damnit! How could she escape. No I must find her before someone else do", she said furiously. She picks up her phone and makes a call. "Listen boys. I have your first task for you. Get here immediately. One of my hostages had escape. I want you to find her and end her".....



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