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"What do you mean by that dad?,", Prince George said as she stared blankly at him . "I said have no worries my son. You will get the princess at all cost"King RK said. "what do you have in mind dad", He asked. "Don't worry my son. Leave everything to me. I know what I'll do. For starters I want you to get the princess so that we'll own a share in the kingdom of Xander. Queen Scarlet is smart. But outsmarting her won't be that hard. All we need is for you to get closer to the princess and I'll do the rest", he replied

Chris opened the door and sat on the floor close to the sofa. "Where are you mom", he said to himself. "I hope wherever you are you are doing okay. I promise I'm going to find you at all cost.", He said as he slammed his hand on the floor. "And if I find out  she's with that wretched Queen I promise I won't spare her", he said.

Scarlet opened the door to the library and  enters where she has tied Anna. "Hey there little peasant, I brought you dinner", She said as she drops her bag on the table. She unties her mouth and pushes the food to her. "What's wrong?, can't you eat. Oh yeah right I forgot I tied your hands. But you're lucky I am in a good mood today so I'll feed you". She picks the bowl and starts to feed her. "Whiles you enjoy this palatable meal, let's have a little chit chat. How would you like your son to be killed right after you're gone. I was planning on killing him the same way I'd kill you. Unless you have any ideas", Scarlet said in a mocking tone. "Don't you dare lay a finger on my son. He has nothing to do with this", Anna pleaded. "Ohh that a threat. Look at you. As helpless as you are you have the guts to threaten me", Scarlet said as she clapped her hands. Anna wept as Scarlet spoke. "You might be wondering why I hate you and your son like that. Well since you're about to die, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt about what you're thinking right now. You see Mara and I have a long history together . That low liked queen was so annoying. I quite remember the first time The king brought me into this house. I was just a poor little girl who had no idea of what power felt like. But as soon as I saw the queen, I felt how power was being wasted. That African bitch!, how could the king choose him to be the queen of Xander. I begun to feel rage in my heart. As time went by my hatred grew more and more. I wanted to take her place but nothing I planned seemed to work. But finally the universe came to my aid. The universe delivered her to me as an act of providence. For some reasons the queen couldn't give birth. So it came to this, the King called me in his royal chamber and pleaded before me. They begged me to be a  surrogate mother. You couldn't imagine the joy that popped on my face. I was going to carry the baby of the queen and the king. After some months, I finally gave birth to their baby. It was a girl very beautiful. Once I gave them their baby, they couldn't treat me like a normal person anymore. So I was given special treatment in the palace. That brought my dreams even much closer. I finally got rid of the queen and once she was out of the picture, I took her place as queen. Few years later, the king Also found out what I did. He drafted everything into a document and hid them somewhere. I tried my possible best to find this evidence but it was all in vain. Eventually I killed him. He didn't leave me with any choice. And since then. It has just been Queen Scarlet and their little daughter", Scarlet said as she laughed out loud. " means Jane is not your daughter", Anna asked in a surprise tone. "oh so you're smart after all. I thought you were as dumb as you look", Scarlet replied. "Now let's get to the main reason why I hate you. When you first showed up in this kingdom I noticed the smile on your face. And when I learnt all the details about you, I knew at once that you were connected to the old queen somehow. That's why I want nothing to do with you or your son.  But you kept standing in my way. You leave me with no choice Anna. You'll have to die", Scarlet replied.

Mara is sitting in the swinging chair as she stared into the sky. "Jane, my beautiful daughter where are you", she said as tears run down her face

Back at the palace, Jane is abruptly awakened as the clock hit midnight. She sits on her bed and turns on the lights.
"Why did I hear my name. And who was that woman in my dream. Why did she look so familiar"

______THE END____

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