Chapter 1

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"Hey there,My name is Jane. Unlike many kids I had a rough childhood. As the only daughter of the Queen of Xander,I had everything I ever wanted. My mum gave me everything a child would ever want. She wanted to prepare me so that one day I can succeed her when she's no more. But a Wise man once said "seeing and looking are not the same thing". What my mum saw in me wasn't exactly what I was or would be. being perfect is not all about wearing fancy clothes and attending huge gatherings or kissing babies. To me, being perfect was much more. But my mum never seem to get it"




Jane! Jane!, wait up!",I heard a voice shouting behind me as I was about to enter the car. Mom had a meeting with the state council but she won't be able to make it so she sent me instead. When I turned it was my best friend Chris. "Hey Chris," I said as I turned to face him. "Hey Jane, I'm so glad I caught up",he said as he was panting heavily. " I wanted to wish you luck at your first royal meeting".he said in a low tone so the guards and the driver won't make out what he was trying to say. "Thank you Chris", I replied with a huge smile. "Now get out of here before my mum sees you", I said quickly. Well you might be wondering why I said that. Well my mum is not the "Loving" Kind . She doesn't want me to be around the subjects most importantly Chris, our head Maid's son. She thinks they'll be a bad influence to me . She has warned Chris on several occasions not to come near me but he was too stubborn just like me.
"We're getting late your highness", the driver said cutting of my long gaze at a long gone Chris. "Oh yeah sure", I replied in a high tone to make things look normal. As we were in the car going, there was a lot on my mind. The sun reflected on the sparking beads in my dress and they became so shiny that I couldn't look at it. I immediately remembered the day I got this dress with my dad. It was my birthday and he presented it to me. "Sparkling", he would say with a broad smile. He always called me sparkling because he thinks I'm brighter than the stars. Ever since my Dad died , things have been very difficult for me. Mom never understood me like dad did.

Before I could stop daydreaming, we arrived at the auditorium. I got out from the car feeling very uneasy. I didn't know why I was going and most importantly I didn't know what I was going to say. "I know you'll do great", those were the last words mum said to me before she sent me here . "You're welcome your highness",the chief clerk said. "Yeah yeah whatever", I muttered to my self. I hope he didn't hear that because it would have been disastrous. They led me to the main meeting room and I was given the highest seat. I felt weird because this wasn't my thing. What I wanted was to stand on a huge stage with a large audience with my bass guitar with the long microphone dad got me in front of me singing as I always do. But guess what mum would have said "stop dreaming girl, one day you're going to be the queen of Xander and you have to behave as such" . "Here you go", the clerk said as he handed me a green file. "What was I supposed to do with that?" I asked myself. "This is the new project we're planning on building in our kingdom,we would like you to look through your highness ", the clerk said.
"Ohh how I wish Chris was here", I said to myself. He was the greatest person I've ever known. He actually had solution to every problem. ".....and we'll be able to finish before the end of the year",the Clerk finally finished off. "Great ", I said. "Can I finally leave now"? "What's the rush your highness", the clerk said as he handed me the contract.
I pulled out my long blue pen and signed the contract. As soon as I was done I headed home.

"Christian!!? , Christian", Ms Anna shouted as she called her son. "I'm here mom", Chris said as he came running. " What have I told you about going to the Mansion. You know Queen Scarlet wants you nowhere round the place. Do you want me to lose my job?",Anna asked. "I'm sorry mother,I just went to see a Jane that's all" Chris replied. "That's the main reason why you shouldn't go there, You don't have anything to do with the Princess. She's not your friend. Stay away from her for good!" "I'm sorry mother but I can't do that. I'm not scared of the queen and I'll never be!" With this Chris runs back to the city. "Come back here Chris!"

As soon as we arrived from the states, I went inside and changed myself. I couldn't wait to see Chris. "How was the conference" Mum yelled as I run down the stairs. "It was great mum", I replied without even looking back. I Came out of the house and looked down the hills if I could see Chris by the seaside. That was our usual meeting place. Immediately I saw him I run down the hill.........

❤️______To be continued _________❤️

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