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"what do you mean mom?, what do you mean we're going back?", Chris asked. "Yes son, you heard me right. Gather all your things. We'll be leaving first thing tomorrow", Anna replied. "But you have to tell me what's going on first. You can't just tell me to get up and go with you. At least tell me what's wrong", Chris asked. "Okay fine. Auntie Naa is no more", Anna blurted out as she could hold it no more. "w-what do you mean she's dead", Chris stammered. "Yes son, you heard me right. She's gone"Anna replied. "But that's impossible!, the last time we left that place she was doing great. How come she's dead", Chris said. "I was just as shocked as you when I heard it", Anna replied. "This is bad. This is really really bad", Chris said. "So what are we going to do mum?" ,"As I said earlier my son, we have to go back to Kumasi. I'll ask the queen for a leave and we can leave as soon as possible", Anna replied.

"I can't believe Chris finally confessed he loved me. I've been waiting all my life to hear this". Jane said to herself as she lay flat on the bed. Just then her phone begun to ring. It was prince George. "Ohh damnit!, what does he want from me now", Jane said as she declined the call. Prince George called for the third time and Jane finally gave in. "Hello" she said as she answered. "Princess Jane!, Thank goodness you answered. I was starting to worry about you. Hope everything is okay", Prince George said. "Yeah yeah everything is fine don't worry about that", Jane replied. "That's great. I wanted to know if you'll be free tonight", He asked. Just then Chris sent her a text

"Hey my princess, wanna see you tonight. Please no disappoinment  . Much love ❣️".

"Ermm.. actually I'll be very busy tonight. Very tight schedule and I'm not sure I'll be able to hang out with you", Jane replied. "Oh okay it's such a shame I won't get that golden opportunity today. But I hope I'll get it another time right?", He asked. "Let's hope so", Jane replied
"Ughh so infuriating!", Jane said as she hung up.

Anna opened the palace door and entered the main hall. Just before she could enter the hall, she saw Queen Scarlet moving towards the lobby so She followed her quietly. She followed her till they got to the entrance of the room .just then, Anna mistakenly hits her leg on the vase which makes a soft bang. Scarlet immediately turned back but she saw nobody behind her so she moved on.
Anna bent over to see if she sustained any injuries but thankfully she hasn't. She then raises her head but to her great surprise Scarlet was no where to be found "where did she go?", Anna asked.
Just then someone pulled her from behind into the closet. "Looking for me?", Scarlet said as she stared wildly into Anna's eyes.

Jane walked slowly as she approached the beach where they usually met. She sat under the coconut tree. The night winds gave a cold breeze. Minutes later, Chris showed up. "Hey my love", Jane said as she run to hug him. "My love, huh?, it sounds weird ", Chris said sarcastically. "We'll you have to get used to it ", Jane said as she held his hand. "Sorry I'm late Jane. Did you see my mum at your place when you were coming?", Chris asked. "No not really. I didn't see her there", Jane replied. " Why what's up?". "She went to your house this afternoon to ask a permission leave from your mum but she hasn't showed up since", Chris said. "Leave?. For what?", Jane asked. "Oh that was the main reason why I even called you here. Our grandma back home had just passed away. Mum wants us to go home for her burial service", Chris said. "Oh I'm so sorry dear. But you'll be leaving me. This is so not fair. We just got together. You can't just leave me", Jane replied. "Don't worry Jane, we won't keep long. This is just some two weeks something. We'll be back before you even know it", Chris replied. "Hmm okay if you say so ", Jane replied. "Yes my dear, there's nothing to worry about", Chris said as they hug again

Anna gains her consciousness after a few hours. "W-where am I?", She asked. She was blind folded and tied up to a wooden chair. As she tried to move her hands, she realized her head hurts. "What happened", She said. She remembers the last thing that happened before she lost consciousness. She remembers Scarlet using the vase to hit her head after she dragged her into the closet.
Someone untied the knot from her eyes and she saw her surroundings. She realized she was in a dark place with pictures all over the walls. She also noticed someone standing meters away from her. "S-scarlet??, is that you", She stammered. "Expecting someone else?", Scarlet replied. "What do you want from me why have you brought me here!", Anna yelled. "Shut up!", Scarlet said as she slapped her. "If you know what's good for you shut your mouth. Look around you filthy peasant. This is the last place you'll ever see", Scarlet said

_____THE END _____❤️

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