Chapter 36

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" Cloudy, my sweet adorable lovely Cloudy.... I THOUGHT WE HAD A TRUCE!!!" 
Running for one's life from a series of very well directed arros ( that were possibly laced with poison ) first thing in the morning ( or anytime of the day or night ) was not fun at all. Especially it had been since Yassop ( that traitor bastard ) had taught the little boy how to throw/sling/shoot around arrows while Ben ( another traitor of his crew ) continously supplied him. Where they got those millions of arrows? Shanks would never know. 

" Dear Tomato man who doesn't know when to shut up and when to talk.. SINCE WHEN DID I DO THAT!!" the bleached haired child yelled chasing the man around the red force with a couple of arrows clutched in his hands, waving them around threateningly whenever the other slowed down even a bit. 

It was indeed safe to say that life on the Red Force had gone back to normal or as much as normal could be and apparently their ' normal' just happened to include their captain getting chased around at 5 in the morning. 

Most of the crew were used to their little fights, so used to it infact that some of them missed their little quarrels when they had been on the Moby. It was a nice sight to wake up to, a smiling Shanks and behind him another smiling face of a small boy, their chuckles, squeals and giggles waking up everyone that had been not awake. 
The crew was so used to having such an event going off first thing in the morning that it had soon become some sort of morning treat entertainment for the men as they sipped their coffee and ate their meals. 


Ben ( a big fan of this so called morning entertainment ) smiled peacefully as he leant more onto his chair sipping his moring coffee( as if it was his life life-and it pretty much was considering how much of this stupidity he had to deal with everyday ). 


" Did you have to teach the little guy how to shoot?" a certain red haired captain sighed as he nursed his side," I mean it's great that he knows how to shoot arrows, like it's a really cool skill and everything unless it's turned against you." 

The sharp shooter simply smiled smugly. 

" I guess that's why I have the best sharp shooter on my team afterall," he chuckled a bit before going back to treating his wound as he emotionlessly pulled out the arrow that had been plunged into his side. It had been an accident that had happened while the little boy and the captain had sparred around for a bit, nothing that was intentional or anyone's fault.

" I guess," Yassop proudly grinned before he passed another bandage to the man," though to be honest  I really think it's your fault afterall for not thinking about the use of haki.....just like that one time you became permentalty armless..." 

"The fuck did you say???" The red haired captain glared back at the retreating snipper. 

" It was a joke....... A JOKKKEE!!!"


" Here," Ben tosses the ice bag to the bruised black and purple and blue snipper from the kitchen," Rub it on the brusises that way it'll heal way faster." 

The said man ( who now possessed along with his bruises two black eyes ) snatch the flying ice bag ( aimed at his head ) with a glare," Ben you should have stopped him." 

" I saw it coming as soon as you added the arm part," the man smiled taking another huge gulp of his nth cup of coffee," and so I ran, I don't think I can deal with that right now." 

" So you leave me? .... Traitor" 
Came the annoyed groan from the ground as the snipper tried to rub all the ice into his body and his bruises.

" Your fault." Ben grinned once again before leaving the room for more ice after observing that the ones in shank's bag would be melting by now. 


" So............. how's the wound going?" 

Cloudy was the last vistor that Shanks had that day after everyone ( including Yassop ) had all retreated back into their quaters and back into their own beds. By that time it had been midnight and it quite worried Shanks that the little child was still up and running around midnight with no one besides him. The man would have loved to go walking around his boat with the young child eariler like nothing was wrong and fished ( something he had found that Cloudy liked doing ) with the child as a way of comforting him but his doctor had threatened him with the threat of throwing all kind of alchole down into the sea if Shanks did not stay locked up in his room untill the morning came. 

" Ah! My favorite guy on the ship!!" Shanks smiled from his bed," It's good to see you!!" 
Although Shanks couldn't really make out the expression the little boy had on his face ( he didn't want to use observation haki when he was with his little cloudy ) guilt simply radiated off of his little body. 

" Whatever." huffed the small boy, shuffling his feet around and wringing his little hands out as he lingered near the door,".... sorry." 

Shanks simply gave a big smile as he was suddenly out of his blankets and on his two feet," My little boy come here," he gestured to the young child," It's okay, I'm the furthest from mad, I'm not mad... I promise." 

When he observed no further movement from the other than the continouse shuffling of feet the red haired pirate swiftly tugged the small child into his embrace," hey buddy," he ruffled the young boy's hair affectionately," it's alright." 

" But..... you're bleeding." 

" It's my fault for forgetting I could use haki," Shanks lifted the child up to his shoulders with ease," look how strong I am, my vice captain back in the days would have called me stupid by now and smacked me in the head." 

" You are..stupid." 

" So meannnn!!!' the man faked a tear before he threw the young child in his arms into the air before catching him again," but what I'm trying to say is that it's just a little blood, nothing to worry your little head over with." 


Twirling the child around and around the room as if a father would do to a child if asked ' I want to fly!!" the man chuckled softly," we're pirates we get hurt while playing around and you chuckle it off... look at Yassop for an example!" 

" He didn't chuckle it off...." the boy mummbled clutching onto the man's shirt like his life depended it on it, not wanting to get away from the man while the lights were off, the momentarious huge urge of guilt had managed to make him forget about his fears of the dark but now all that fear came rushing back. 

" That's because he's a little scary cat," the man flashed another grin before he landed on his bed ( with Cloudy still clutched in his embrace ) with a small ' oof' ," but real pirates like myself don't cry about it .......... actually only ADULT pirates do that." 

" I'm an adult to!!!" the small child huffed as he was tucked into the bed besides the tomato," I'm a big, tough pirate too!!!" 

" yes yes," came the teasing voice of a certai captain along with a rough hand that ruffled his hair," let's go to sleep shall we? It's quite late. " 

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