Chapter 16

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From the last chapter 

" IN YOUR FACE!!!" Shanks walked up to where the child was, crouched down to his height then pointed at the child in a teasing manner, " LOSER!!"
yes, the finger that he pointed at the young child.... the young child chomped.



Never in Shanks' whole life of fighting and messing around with both Buggy and Mihawk, did he ever expect to get bitten, no chomped on a finger by a young child. By no means, even if his son was still with them, he believed that he would be an angel and do no such thing, much less hurt a fly. After all his son was a complete little innocent cutie!!! But apparently the author did not want this whole chapter to be filled with his boasting of his son and the beautiful women( who happened to be Mihawk's older sister )who he had married ( because the author was single, untaken and underage to even drink). Which was quite unfair but anyways apparently he had guessed and thought wrong. 

" OWW!!! YOU IDIOT WHY DID YOU HAKI COAT YOUR FINGERS!!!" the said child that had bitten his fingers recoiled back in somewhat pain and surprise, tumbling back into the chest of poor Haruta. 

" WHAT I NEED TO ASK!!! YOU HAKI COAT YOUR TEETH FIRST!!" the said man who could have become both index fingerless screeched as he too stumbled back landing on his bottom with a light thud. 

" I did it because if I hadn't my teeth would have gone flying off!!" The child accused, yelling while he clung onto poor Haruka who had absolute no idea what was going on and confusion 

" Not true!!" the elder man yelled back, getting back on his feet to point the once again accusing finger at the boy, this time he pointed his precious finger two meters away from the young child clearly traumatized by the fact that he could have lost his one and only index finger, " i only did it because I saw your teeth turning all haki coated and I thought quickly and came to a fast conclusion that if I don't coat my finger in haki then they would have/ will go flying off!!!" 

" No YOU'RE the one who is wrong!!!" the child pouted back," I only did it cause you did it first!!" 

" uh uh not true!!" 
"Nah nah, true."
" Nah uh, not true."
" It's the truth!!" 
"  Not the truth!!!" 

" Whatever!!" Cloudy squeaked, huffing out his cheeks out in slight anger, he pushed off from a I-am-so-confused-yet-unbothered-to-ask Haruta and stuck out his tongue before he turned around with a swish ( with made his fluffy hair bounce so cutely ).

" Childish." Shanks stated, as he could not help a warm and loving smile that creeped onto his face, gosh this kid was so funny and made his heart so warm and calm, it felt as if the child was his..... no.. this child had parents, you couldn't just kidnap a child.... he bet that this Bakugou guy was also related to him. 

" I have more important things to deal with right now then try to kill you!!!" Cloudy suddenly ran back into Shanks view all looking flustered," but I'm sorry for biting your fingers!! karma told me that he had a friend named Sakuna that had his fingers all chopped off and spread around the world then he turned evil and killed people!! Don't turn evil!!" the child squeaked everything out quickly obviously shy to apologize to him then quickly turned his back and ran away into the crowd once again. And Shanks won't tell Cloudy in fear of getting kicked in the head with that nuclear kick but he clearly saw the child's ears turn into an adorable shade of pink. 

" Yeah!!" Shanks called back into the crowd as he stood in the very spot he had been in," I'm not going to turn evil!!" he chuckled before grabbing a huge bowl filled with sake and chugged it down in one big gulp. 

" You know I'm confused," Haruta our lovely poor confused unexperienced with children Haruta stared down at his hands. Trying and failing to understand to know what had just happened and why the hell  the child had leaned on and into his arms of all things, like Narmur was next to him!!!

" Childish bunch." Izo who had been watching the whole mini heart warming show that Shanks and the young child had put up in front of them, sighed before walking back to his room, quite bothered by the fact that the child's fashion only contained of a plain white t-shirt and grey pants, " the child needs to fix up his fashion sense which I will now personally do!!" he huffed to himself before closing his door completely.

" Is that why you were grumpy with him!!!" Vista questioned  , dumb folded, " man I thought you were mad at him for shotting at the Moby or something like that!!" he shouting raising his hands into the air, before he realised that he was talking to himself then faked a cough in embarrassment then turned and left. 

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