Chapter 15

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From the last chapter

Because instead of a heartwarming scene between the child and the Akagami that they all had been looking forward to, they witnessed a haki coated kick ( one of the most deadliest kick they had seen in years if they could, would add on ) aimed towards Shanks' no no area.

Mouths flew apart in shock.

Jaws dropped down onto the ground in utter horror

Many hearts all nearly jumped out of their bodies when they out of instinct imagined how bad the pain that would cause.

Thousands of prayers from tens of members of the Whitebeard crew were sent to wish and pray that Shanks could at least have mercy and not get blown straight in the balls.  


When everyone expected the worst, and everyone clenched their eyes shut, a swift hand clashed against the kick, repelling the child back perfectly. 

A amused grin stretched across the Yonko's face, " uh uh," the red haired man chuckled affectionally and in amusement, as his arm returned back besides his torso.
This child really did bring joy and light to his world both literally and meteorically just like that one time he tried to throw a bunch of fireworks onto the man, how terrifying that had been. 

" GOD DAMN IT!!!!!"
The young child backflipped across the deck when he had been repelled back by the force of the haki coated arm of that stupid tomato. Honestly it wasn't like he was surprised at all, he had admitted that the man was way out of his league long ago, although he would never admit out loud. 

" Cloudy that was so obvious, anyone could have seen through that attack and blocked it. " Shanks lectured, while slowly getting up from his crouching position and stretching his back cursing his old age mentally. 

' Hell that was NOT obvious to anyone!!!' serval members of the whitebeard crew screamed internally. 

' not anyone could have blocked that yoi.' Marco muttered under in breath as he perched in his father's shoulders, somehow his body had auto piloted and tada.  He cleared his throat after he realised that he too had been tense. It wasn't like that he was disappointed the kick didn't hit it's target, that kick after all all had been one hell of a kick. But of course who had he thought was going to be kicked in the balls. Not THE Akagami no shanks, captain of the Akagami pirates, cabin boy of THE roger pirates and one of THE Yonkos. 
Now matter how childish the man seemed to be and was in reality, Marco highly doubted that he would just get himself get kicked in THE no no area. Though it would be a lie if he said he had not wanted to see that high nose of that annoying youngster to be broken. But alas, if everything Marco wanted would come true, he would have reshaped his head to not look like a pineapple. 

" uh uh, old tomato who doesn't seem to be rotting yet!!!" the child clicked his tongue, shaking his head side to side while he wagged his tiny ( smol baked bean ) fingers in front of Shanks, " that was an awesome kick, I just didn't want to kick your no no area and made sure you could repel it!!!"
The child tried to lie.
However in every sentence we must look for a keyword and in the previous the sentence the keyword had been TRIED.
 Yes the young child had attempted to lie, yet failed miserably as his eyes looked somewhere else and everywhere else that happened not be a person while whistling a tune. 

Marco sighed, guess he was surrounded by people that couldn't lie, for example Ace and his two younger brothers, Luffy and Sebastian and now Cloudy kid seemed like he couldn't lie to save his life too.  

" Not true," Shanks retorted back also with a grin on his face filled with playfulness all the while tapping his feet comedically/ comically onto the deck in fake impatience. Everyone could see that he had decided that two could play the game and joined in whatever Cloudy was doing with the same amount if not more childishness. 

"so true" the child smiled back, quite a cheeky and  challenging grin, then poked his tongue out in a provoking way. 

" Oh so not true!" 
" so true!!" 
"Nuh uh " 
" yeah uh."  

And so on and forth the two childish real child and adult child fought, as the whole of the whitebeard crew stared at them, which both of them payed no attention to. 


All throughout the time that ' Cloudy' boy had been dropped off/ shoved off the back of his first division commander/ son, Edward Newgate more known as Whitebeard had watched in silence, observing the small spunky child and the Roger's brat. 

From what he had observed, the child seemed to the sassiest, cutest, lovely, full of spunk and just a plain old adorable ball of sunshine. (Should he adopt/ force him as his child? ) Who also  seemed to have skill, experience and stamina as well as strength all under his belt. He was quite taken aback by the child's fighting skills at first and even until now. What could he say and it definitely wasn't his fault at all, even the red haired brat had not been that good when he was thirteen. 

From the moment the child had shot bullets, Whitebeard could at first glance that they had been shot at perfect accuracy so well that the shooter could have guaranteed that even if the bullets would be reflected or bounced off a surface nobody would get hit or even gazed, and yes, even that Shanks. 
It seemed that despite everything the child was doing he was attached to the brat of Roger. 

" RESPECT YOU ELDERS!!!" the red haired former cabin boy exclaimed from not that far from him, standing in the middle of all his children with the little child. He was doing the ' nose in air' posture that looked so similar with the one that the queen of the amazon, Boa Hancock did every time  she was angered or wanted to look superior to someone. 

" KANG!!! " the child yelled, pretending to be hit  by something on the chest, faking as he stumbled back into the crowd of the whitebeard crew into the arms of the most nearest member which happened to be a stunned Haruka, " YOU CAN'T PULL THAT CARD OUT!!" he screeched ( more like squeaked ) as he placed a hand over his forehead as if he was sick. 

" IN YOUR FACE!!!"  Shanks walked up to where the child was, crouched down to his height then pointed at the child in a teasing manner, " LOSER!!" 
yes, the finger that he pointed at the young child.... the young child chomped. 


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