Chapter 30

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Trust the author, there were never really many things that troubled Shanks these days. 

I mean Anchor, Luffy became the pirate king, saved a bunch of people on the way, returned the strawhat to him.
 Shanks had obviously told the little boy- no, the great pirate of this age and for the ages to come, to keep the treasure, beaming at the man that used to be such a young little boy who had begged and even stabbed himself to convince them to let him in as their crew, as he told Luffy just how proud he was of him. 

He was one of the strongest figures out there, like duh. 

He had saved both Ace and Whitebeard's asses from dying back in the marine ford, heck he didn't know what would have happened to the crew if the two people they treasured in their lives past away after Thatch fell into coma. Besides his conscience would make sure he would never be able to breathe under the pressure of guilt if he had let that happen. 

Blackbeard, Teach, that stupid ugly bastard of a guy, was beaten to the pulp by Luffy and his crew, and to be forever tortured in the darkest depths of hell. Like who would give that traitor see the light of day and have the mercy of dying a quick and easy death? Not him. 

Wano had been freed way long ago, the celestial dragons had all suicided when they realized that they  no longer were welcome anywhere and treated worse then animals, they killed themselves, unable to think of how they would be able to live in such a way. Choosing to die by their own hands. 

The corrupt marines were sent somewhere to retrain and rethink of what they did. some where sent to jail, some were made to go and have therapy, some got placed into mental hospitals and such. And the pink haired boy ( who later on revealed himself as a friend of Luffy ) became a vice admiral. Way to go, crybaby pink haired marine!!

Everything good and great. 

Yet here he was, one of the greatest pirate the world, facing the greatest challenge looking down at him, looming over him and almost too large and difficult for the man to get across. 

Heck, fighting admirals, yonkos, supernovas, and even Garp or Sengoku himself had been easier than all this. 

Cold sweat dripped down the man's face endlessly like an rainful as his eyebrows creased as he thought hard.

Panice rose up inside him.

His muscles ached

And he didn't just what the hell to do, he didn't even know how he had ended up in this situation at all. 

There was a sleeping child in his arm.
There was a door that needed to be opened.
The knob was the circular kind that need to be twisted then pushed.

" You know what, I could always put Cloudy down, then open the door, pick the kid up and tuck him in bed," Shanks muttered to himself as a genius level idea popped into his head, ' i am such a genius'
But unfortunately Shanks was no genius and that solution was not the answer as Cloudy had a tight grip around the man's neck and would make an expression of panic on his face whenever he tried to pull the kid off. 

' Should I let go, cause Cloudy's holding on, then open the door?' 
That too was not the answer, as even though Cloudy had a semi grip on him, Shanks knew that it would not support his weight and to be honest, Shanks was not willing to take any chance of injuring the kid at all. 

And so just like that Shanks was out of ideas... completely, and to make things clear, his arm muscles were starting to ache quit a bit. 

Okay and before yall are like ' The fuck, Shanks is one of the strongest characters in one piece, one of the most feared and his muscles are that weak?? The fuck are you talking about'

1. Shanks has been standing there for at least 2 hours as he tried his best to try and open the door without waking the kid up

2. leave him alone

3. his muscles were just built like that

4. he had not used armour haki or anything to strengthen his muscles for he wanted Cloudy to be comfortable 

" Oh fuck," the red haired man cussed, as he didn't know what the hell he had to do and what he should do, " Man I need a brooze to calm down my nerves to be able to think" 


Yassop did have some bad hangovers after parties and he would admit. Like he would fully admit it and yes he was drunk last night. Like it was cool though, it was a party yesterday for some reason he kinda forgot why but all that mattered was that it was a party and that was all that was important. 

And so as always he was having a hangover ( it would be really weird if he didn't ) yet that was all normal and expected. They were pirates and pirates got drunk.. maybe not every pirate but nearly all of this crew. 

However after he walked into the captain's room( the crew took turns to wake the red haired man up in turns ) to wake the red haired man up, he had to walk back out, rub his eyes, walk back in, then out to the kitchen to get a cup of water.

" yo bro, you okay," a crewmate that he was too sober to remember the name of asked, curious and quite concerned after witnessing the guy burst through the kitchen door, grab a whole barrel of water, gasped for air then was walking out muttered," I am crazy" but alas, the poor guy got ignored as Yassop didn't even bother to glance at the man, as he rushed out. 

The reason he was reacting like this, was that he had seen Cloudy in the red haired guy's bed ( whom he had really wanted to kill and end for some weird ass reason that was not explained to anyone ) sleeping.

( minus ace and only the third panel is what yassop saw) 
( isn't young shanks so cute and handsome ) 

( minus ace and only the third panel is what yassop saw) ( isn't young shanks so cute and handsome ) 

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