Chapter 4

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Everyone that had known the young boy knew of this one solid fact. 

Sebastian + money + a festival + no one to stop him equated to a very excited, reckless spending and unstoppable little boy that was ready to eat, shop and enjoy until he dropped.. and let the author tell you one thing.. it took quite a long time for the kid to 'drop'. 
But that was exactly what we had at a village... that poor village ( let us pray for its prosperity and safety ) with a boy like Sebastian in it's doorsteps as he couldn't wait for the night to come and the festival to bloom to the fullest, wanting to do everything, try anything, have fun and eat lots and lots of food meanwhile at the same time having all the capacity in the world to do so. 

As soon as the festival commenced, so did Sebastian, as he got ready to race for the store he had been keeping his eyes on for at least 30 minutes, the meat skewer store just down the road, his very first priority.

It was safe to say that as soon as the owner of the store flipped from the " sorry we are close" sign to the " come in we're open" sign, it only took half of a mili second for Sebastian to be there, scarying the living soul from the meat skwer shop owner.

There he continued to order atleast 20 dozen of eat meat type skewer there was, waving off the owner's threat that he would kill Sebastian if he didn't eat them all and threw them away. Luffy, Ace and Sabo had taught him better than to throw away food so Sebastian was slightly offended that the man would even suggest throwing away fine food.

And the first 5 minute in which the first dozen was being made seemed like a torture to the young boy, the smell surrounding and wifting around him droze him crazy as he wanted nothing but to chomp into those meat skwers that smelt absolutely divine - just like Luffy - ni had told him so in the latest letter that he had recieved before he had sailed off.

When the lamb skwers came out, the taste didn't disappoint at all, in any way what so ever either and Sebastian was practically drooling from the juicy meat and diving sauce combo that simply melted in his mouth, he could taste and feel in every bite he took of the skewer, the juice of the meat bursting in his mouth as it was also coated by the thick, tast of BBQ sauce.. his favourite. 

After Sebastian had then continued to wolf down the next 19 dozen of different types of meat skewer - had had wanted more but the owner had begged him to go somewhere else - he moved on.. to the SUGAR CANE JUICE STORE. Ordering twenty large drinks, with a straw in all of them, he at once drank from the twenty drinks simultaneously. It definitely washed down all the meat, hydrated him and provided with sugar levels he had lost from all the sweating as he had been chased by the evil white crow like bird with a yellow beak. The green liquid seemed to have an almost heaven like flavor as it refreshed him from throat down, refreshing, hydrating and smooting all his system... god damn was that one sweet refreshing drink. 

Sebastian's food obesssion coupled with a huge amount of stomache space he jumped off from the sugar cane store, before thanking the old man when he had finished the drinks, he jumped straight to the ramen store, meat store, tangluhu store, seafood restrant and just so many more - leaving store owners either crying or at a loss of ingredients in general and begging the boy to get out, some even refunding the boy his money. 
" What kind people they are " 

Finally it was at the end of the long night that Sebastian sat on a park bench, statisfied, full and almost moneyless as he stared at the rising son.. it was only then that he realised the reason he was on this island to begin with. To collect food. 

But seeing that the amount of berries on him was not going to buy him food that would last him through the whole week, Sebastain decided - after some looking around - the perfect replacement to shopping for meat. 

Afterall the amount of meat that would be needed to keep him alive probably would be mad expensive and he had wanted to spend it on today and to enjoy and rest llike a pirate did, so all he had left was to hunt. Besides hunting was a fun and easy, afterall his childhood had been filled with Luffy and him ( after Sabo and Ace had set sail ) swinging from tree to tree, hunting down animals, pitching tents, hiding out in the tree house and gutting an animal to eat. 

Sebastian ( being the universe's favourite child ) " happened " to have benn lucky to have arrived to an island that was pretty big in both the size of the city and the forest. And Sebastain didn't know how but he could tell that there wer big sized animals in that forest...just like back at home. 

Damn it brought back child hood memories of all the hunting, running, chasing, training and yelling. 

" HERE I GO!!" 

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