Chapter 23

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Whichever poor and unlucky pirate or marine that so happened to be sailing in the 1000 meter radius of Portgas D Ace, aka Fire fist Ace, were the most unluckiest bunch of people that ever was alive.. well ever had been alive, now. But no one could do anything about saving them right now for they either had their ships crushed, ashed down or totally smashed more than the titanic and had all sunk into the ocean. The angered commander of the whitebeard pirate had drowned pirates and marines alike into the waters below ( watching with a smile when devil fruit users cursed him and yelled at him ), let them ( the ones who could swim and float ) freeze to death or just straight up killed them and baked some donuts. 

Let us have a moment of silence to remember ( at least try to imagine who they were ) and grieve the deaths that fell at the angry hands of a panicked brother bird searching for his baby brother. Yes, when I say ' have a moment of silence' I mean utter silence, yes that means to stuff celery into your younger sisters' mouths to shut them up, glare at you pet to stop making noises and ask your parents to please shush up. ( you may get thrown at you a pair ( or multiple ) slippers or something else but please for the sake of the Lord up high and holy, make sure not to catch it and just get hit.... yes I mean it. ) 

Anyways it was safe to say that even though ten marine ships had burnt up, many had drowned and burnt up, pirates had been slaughtered and killed and twenty or so ships had sunk.

 Whitebeard didn't even blink an eye when he received the news the next hour after Ace raced off of the Moby and onto his banana like boat and shot out. He wasn't even surprised in the slightest when he viewed the urgent newspaper he received while the young cloud headed boy was arguing with the red haired brat for a bit, and it had the huge head titles of ' FIRE FIST ACE GONE CRAZY?'
All he did was sign deeply, but inside felt pride swelling up for some reason he wasn't bothered to question and showed Marco, who had been near, the paper. The pineapple haired first commander didn't look too impressed and proceeded to roll the paper up and tucked it into his pocket. 

" This is normal when Ace is concerned about anything of his two younger brothers yoi." Marco sighed in defeat as he had long ago accepted the  fact that he had a huge big brother complex, and even though it was annoying as heck he came to ignore it,  before he turned to face the young child when his name was called. Well not his name exactly but a string of words that described him. Quite insulting, yet Marco did not even have the strength to argue and just faced the young boy with his resting i'm-annoyed-and-bored-and-unimpressed face. 

Izo who had been watching Oyaji and Marco quickly and quite swiftly snatched the newspaper from Marco's pocket, which the pineapple man noticed by decided to let his younger brother to read the newsletter of their crewmate. The cross dressed figure unfolded the paper and straightened it all up and started scamming the paper up and down with his eyes, rolling his eyes at some and sighing as if he was a disappointed mother that had predicted something would happen, and it did. 

However what Izo could say confidently was that it didn't seem like Ace was the only panicked brother that was dying to find the young child, in fact the straw hat boy and his crew as well as the heart pirates seemed to be having a heated searching session, flipping boats on their heads, throwing people out in the middle of nowhere. For the first time in his life did Izo feel sorry for the marines and some rookie pirates. 

How Law decided to join the search of finding Sebastian, 
Not that long ago on the thousand sunny with Law and Luffy:

" Torao!!! Sebastian is missing!!!" 
" I know, you've been talking, announcing and crying about that for the past four-ish  months!!!"
" Luffy, I already said I would help, in simpler words I'll go with you."
" YATTA!!! LET'S GO!!" 

That was how not only the strawhats and fire fist ace and the heart pirates decided to inflict and destroy every ship that didn't have a small child in it. 


Sengoku really wanted to rage quit his job, stab Akainu, flip off his superiors and punch Garp in the face then give that runaway child a huge lecture of not to run away from home when you're not even ten yet. And yes, he meant everything from the bottom of his heart, especially about stabbing and killing Akainu and flipping off his superiors. 

Why was both the heart pirates and strawhat pirates which contain three of the worst generation going and sinking both marine and pirates' ships alike where ever they went?

Why was portgas D Ace burning down any person or thing ( that wasn't someone innocent and did not deserve live ) into dust as he just smiled. 

Whatever the reason, Sengoku really didn't care about, what he did care about was the fact that what they were doing was causing his old and aged brain to have a massive headache and thousands of paper stacked all on his table on on top of the other until it couldn't be sustained and they made a new pile. And Garp wasn't there to ' cheer ' him up as he claimed for he was put ' training' the young rookies using that as an excuse to search for his young grandchild that hab been curios about anything and everything from Day one. 

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